  • Dia 107

    Camping near NH 25 1791.1

    18 de agosto de 2017, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    We woke up this morning to a lot of wind and it was so cloudy that I thought it would be before 6 but it was already 6:30. So I crawled out of the cosiness of sleeping bag and tent and into the chilly wind to prepare breakfast while Julia tore down the tent. A few minutes after we started hiking, it started to rain. First just a little bit but as we came up Mt Cube it started getting heavier and the so did the wind. By the time we reached the summit - after another false one - we were freezing. And of course there was nothing worth to be called a view...
    Anyways, we were glad to have mastered this mountain and after arriving at the bottom on the other side a SOBO told us about "The Omelette guy". We've already heard of him but didn't expect that he would be there by the time we come by. But he was there and he's actually there every day from around 8 to 8. An incredibly interesting man who does that for us hikers, I just wanted to hug him when we arrived there. After this cold morning it was a pleasure to be in a dry spot with hot coffee, tasty muffins and the smell of the omelette. When it was our turn we went "All the way" and 20 eggs together. The record is 30 eggs for one person. Our portion was just right and so we had enough energy to make it to Glencliffe and the Hikers Welcome Hostel.
    There we spent the evening in the warmth, having dinner and just relaxing a bit. For the night we went back to the trailhead and camped on a gravel road near the trail.
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