Appalachian Trail

May - September 2017
A 133-day adventure by Mates on tour Read more
  • 134footprints
  • 133days
  • 535photos
  • 234likes
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  • United States
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  • 134footprints
  • 133days
  • 535photos
  • 234likes
  • 2.3kkilometers
  • Black Gap Shelter -1.1

    May 3, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    We have finally made it to the Amicalola State Park where the Approach Trail starts and hiked our first miles. It was an extremely tough one and we super underestimated what miles mean so we arrived there pretty late. The others in the shelter went almost directly afterwards to bed so we needed to be quiet. Which made it pretty difficult getting our stuff organized silently in the dark. Besides that, the Shelter was completely full with us, so we needed to squeeze. For our first day on the trail I brought some instant Swabian pasta ("Kässpätzle") and some of our favorite wine. What was intended to be a bit of a romantic dinner turned to a cheese soup with raw noodles. But we were hungry and it tasted pretty good.
    As it is only an Approach Trail which leads to the actual southern terminus of the Appalachian Trail we basically made it to mile -1.1. So when we climbed Springer Mountain tomorrow the actual time on the trail begins. because that's the distance from the shelter to the Springer Mountain where the AT really starts.
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  • Day 1

    Hawk Mountain Shelter 8.1

    May 4, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    We started pretty late because the late arrival on the previous day didn't allow us to sort our stuff. It already started to rain in the morning and got more and more intense during the day... The hike went pretty well and we arrived in the late afternoon at the Hawk Mountain Shelter but unfortunately it was already completely full.
    It was still raining heavily so we didn't really want to put up our tent, luckily Christi came up with the idea to go under the shelter. So ultimately we were lucky to have an almost warm and protected place for the night with thunderstorms. There were others who set up their tents and already got wet during the day. It wasn't uncomfortable and actually a lot warmer than supposed and feared.
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  • Day 2

    Gooch Mountain Shelter 15.8

    May 5, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 6 °C

    The hike from Hawk Mountain Shelter to here seemed pretty easy but due to another rainy day it took us quite some time to get there. But luckily when we arrived there were only a few people there amongst the really nice Shelter keeper Davis. So we had time to set up and cook some delicious Ramen noodles.
    The Shelter filled a bit during the afternoon and evening so in the end it was fully packed. The stay at this Shelter helped boost the motivation after two days of rain. Also I underestimated the temperatures there so all of us were super freezing that night :(
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  • Day 3

    Neel Gap 31.4

    May 6, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌫 5 °C

    Today we planned a longer and equally tough hike which was as much as the two previous days together. And we made it over the Blood Mountain to the first resupply station at Neel Gap.
    The day was great for hiking with some scattered clouds and mainly sunny. Just at about 4 it started to rain when we were only about half an hour away from the Gap so we got a bit wet. But it was totally worth it to grab a great pizza and I was finally able to sort out the backpack.
    Unfortunately I needed to ditch the Poncho from my mom because it didn't fit over my backpack but a thru hiker gladly took it! And promised that it will never be thrown away :)
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  • Day 4

    Low Gap Shelter 42.9

    May 7, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌫 10 °C

    We enjoyed the warmth of the hostel - which was by the way bug and mice infected - for the maximum time until checkout. Afterwards I was glad to get the luxury of a hot coffee for breakfast and we bought a new sleeping bag so we could eventually survive more nights out without shivering or freezing to death!
    So we took it slowly and it was already 10:30 when we hit the trail with perfect summer weather. It went so well that we ended up at the Low Gap Shelter 11.5 miles later at a record time.
    After setting up the sleeping place we had a great time with the people staying in and nearby the Shelter. Looking forward to tomorrow, we're setting the alarm to 6 and planning to do miles, not smiles :)
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  • Day 5

    Camping Steeltrap Gap 60

    May 8, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    This was a very eventful day!! After heading out early as planned we saw lots of cute chipmunks and a beautiful red bird.
    After an exhausting descent from Blue Mountain we were greeted by a Trail Angel who brought delicious coffee, Donuts, fruits and even a beer!! What a motivation boost!! Gave us just the right energy to get up to Tray Mountain. On the way we met 90 (his trail name because of the 90 pounds backpack) and his trail pet Max. He said that he is living on the trail.
    At some point we lost Julia because I wanted to hike ahead to refresh myself and Christi is anyway faster. But as she didn't arrive after one hour, I went to look for her on the way back. So I ran two times up and down the Tray Mountain :D So Julia contacted our friends in Germany ( <3 for Matze & Mari) who were luckily awake to tell them that she missed the exit for the Shelter. After I got the message, I packed my stuff and went out in the dark. An hour later I found her at the campsite and we enjoyed some cold ramen soup :)
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  • Day 6

    Campsite Dicks Creek Gap 70.3

    May 9, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    Christi caught up with us this morning as we did sleep in until 09:30. The plan for today was to restock some supplies from another hiker hostel and afterwards head on to the Shelter or a campsite shortly after. The last day was pretty exhausting for me and I was glad to get some extra sleep and it also took me a few miles until my knees felt alright.
    Christi went ahead to call home while we were en route but in the end it was only a rough 45 minutes he has been there earlier. We had a great pizza and found some great free stuff in the hiker box like oatmeal, cereal bars, a camelback and even a cooking pot. An old lady in the hostel gave us more food!! Apparently we looked very hungry :)
    Tog - the owner of the hostel - gave us a free ride half a mile uphill back to the AT. A super nice man! On the way to the campsite we met some people from the Neel Gap Hostel. So our reward for making it there were Vodka Shots!! Yay
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  • Day 7

    Muskrat Creek Shelter 81.1

    May 10, 2017 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Although we got up early it was a pretty tough hike going steep up over long distance so we didn't manage to get far. But we crossed the state border to North Carolina, so 1/14 states and celebrated it with two guys from Florida who had a Aqua Bong (aka "See rauchen") :D
    But at about 4 pm we arrived at the Shelter on the top of the hill and first had a swim in the river nearby. Afterwards we set up a bonfire and prepared a three course meal:
    Ramen Soup with Quesadillas for starters, Rice with tomato sauce as main course and Tortillas with Nutella as dessert :)
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  • Day 8

    Betty Creek Gap 97.3

    May 11, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Left even earlier today because we want to make it to Franklin tomorrow midday to be off the trail when the thunderstorm arrives. And today we actually succeeded in making miles despite some steep climbs. One of the first climbs ended at the Standing Indian Mountain, our highest peak till now with 5435ft and a nice view - Sponsored by Ovomaltine.
    The views changed a lot today because of a wildfire last year in October. It was really weird after hiking for more than a week in the green woods.
    For the night we stayed at a jungelishy place at the bottom of Albert Mountain.

    Oh, and a new distance record!! :)

    Something else, it's super normal here to go to bed at around 8pm when the sun sets!! Love it :)
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  • Day 9

    Franklin/Rock Gap 105.8

    May 12, 2017 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Our plan for the day went exactly as expected and we arrived after a 8.5mi hike on time for the Shuttle to pick us up to Franklin. The hike went over the challenging Mount Albert but it rewarded us with a nice view. And we reached the 100th mile of the AT!!
    In the motel we did laundry, sorted our stuff and resupplied at the Walmart. In the evening we enjoyed a beer at the lazy hiker brewery and fell exhaustedly asleep.
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