A 11-day adventure by Wolfgang & Lacie Read more
  • 15footprints
  • 3countries
  • 11days
  • 130photos
  • 0videos
  • 973kilometers
  • Day 8

    Sirmione - Day 4, Part 1

    May 8 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Today was a bit nicer, thankfully! Still a few raindrops in the afternoon, but it was pleasant after being in the sun for a little while. We decided to drive all the way down south to the peninsula of Sirmione today. We kind of got off to a bad start with having to take a long and un-scenic detour because of an accident, searching for a parking spot for 45 minutes, and then the city streets being packed like sardines with people. But after getting out of the center, having lunch and dessert, and making our way to our first point of interest, it got a little less packed and we started enjoying ourselves more. First, we went to the Grottoes of Catullus...which actually aren't even grottoes at all, but rather the ruins of a 2000 year old Roman villa. We stayed there for hours there was so much to see! Also had a nice drink at the Jamaica beach on the way through the ruins!Read more

  • Day 8

    Sirmione - Day 4, Part 2

    May 8 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    After the Grottoes we went back to what was the packed city center from earlier to see the Sirmione castle...thankfully at that point it wasn't as overrun as earlier in the day. The castle was great, but what we thought was the coolest part was the walled port that held the boats used to control the lake in the 1500's. We walked along the ramparts and climbed the many stairs leading to the top of the tower...the view of Sirmione from above was beautiful, especially with the sun reflecting on the lake. After that we headed back to the car and were able to take the scenic route along the coast back home! After getting back to the campsite we immediately left again to walk to the restaurant a few minutes away. We got a lovely little lakeside table and both ordered our favorite spaghetti aglio e olio which was excellent! (and I forgot to take a picture...whoops, lol)Read more

  • Day 9

    Lake Garda - Day 5

    May 9 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    Took it a little easier today and didn't stray too far from the campsite. The weather was gorgeous!!! Sunny, warm, and clear views in all directions. We decided to take advantage of it and go on a *real* kayak trip today. We set our goal to Malcesine, the nearest town where we've been doing most of our shopping and wandering, and back again. It's about an hour's walk and we thought we could do it in a similar paddling time. The water was really wavy today, but thankfully it didn't bother us! It was a lot more work that we were anticipating, but we did it! We paddled 4.8 miles in and hour and 47 minutes with a couple breaks for pictures in between. We were absolutely beat when we came back, though...hoping we won't be too sore to take it out one more time on our last day tomorrow! Grabbed a vegan burger and nuggets with fries for lunch and came home and took a much needed nap, lol. Cooked some spaghetti pomodoro with some black olives and capers thrown in and ate it outside since it was still wonderfully warm! It was SO good and the perfect atmosphere to enjoy such a fantastic dinner to. 🥰Read more

  • Day 10

    Riva del Garda - Day 6

    May 10 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Last day at Lake Garda! Kind of sad with how beautiful it is and how much fun we've had, but we're also looking forward to being home and back to normal life. We spent it going up to the northernmost part of the lake, Riva del Garda. It was such a pretty little town, made even prettier with the water and all the colorful buildings in the bright sunlight on a beautiful day. We walked around all the streets filled with a million restaurants, ice cream parlors, and souvenir shops, overwhelmed with choices for what to do for lunch lol. We ended up "just" getting some focaccia to save room for gelato after, but for being so ridiculously simple (oil and rosemary for me and cherry tomatoes for Wolfie) it was probably one of my favorite things I've eaten this whole trip. 😂 I really have to learn how to make it!!! Afterwards we pigged out on our last ice cream cones in Italy looking out over the lake. It was absolutely CRAZY how many wind and kite surfers there were in just that small section of the lake. Then we went up the historic 13th century watchtower to admire everything from above! Afterwards we headed back towards the campsite to do some shopping for the long trip home tomorrow and went to the nearby restaurant one more time. More spaghetti aglio e olio and a marinara pizza for Wolfie and a Mediterranean salad for me! Yum!Read more

  • Day 11

    Home again!

    May 11 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Whew...what a long day. 😩 Got started packing pretty early at about 8am and ended up getting on the road at 9:20 (and thankfully got out of the campsite easier than we got in, LOL). The GPS said it was supposed to be a little over 7 hours. Surprisingly, the first 6 hours of driving went by super easily...but that didn't mean we only had an hour left. Between a handful of breaks to pee or eat, the looong delays towing the camper through the Alps, and still having to go on a small shopping trip for the rest of the weekend, we made it home after about 11 hours...ugh. Proud of Wolfie for pulling through with the drive. Despite it being so long, we had fun together! Now I'm thankful to be back at home with my babies. 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ All in all, an amazing vacation. We'd love to do it again in a couple years!Read more