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  • Day 239

    Gibb River Road Day 2 - Lennards Gorge

    September 11, 2021 in Australia ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    Gibb River Road Day 2
    Day 2 - Lennards Gorge and Bell Creek Free camp

    Lennards Gorge is probable the scariest walk we have done yet. We were the first and only people there, as we started to walk the track in I heard a rustling, I saw a black snake in the bush! Next thing Brett yells “run” and we all going flying backwards and this massive black snake comes flying out of the bush along the path. We all may have screamed a little. We decided it would be best to go back to the car and get the snake bite kit. Better to be safe than sorry. I then let Brett take the lead, halfway along the track we had another snake scare! We were all on edge, when three little birds suddenly came flying out of the long grass on the side of the track absolutely scaring the shit out of all of us, we all nearly started to turn and run backwards thinking that the rustling sound was another big snake. Lachlan commented that his legs felt like jelly because he was so scared 😦. We finally made it safely to the gorge.

    The gorge was not amazing from the look out and we were extremely hot so we decided to climb down the side of the gorge to the water. It was stunning from below and we had the pools all the ourselves. Due to the impromptu swim there was a bit of nudity, as we had not packed swimwear.

    We scored another awesome free camp at Bells Creek. It was right on the creek which was full of water, so we could spend the afternoon taking dips to cool down.

    I decided to play some games with the kids. First we played boxes, then we moved onto hangman. The kids got the first 3 letters ‘pea’ I thought they had it for sure, I said what word states with “pea”. Lachlan yells “peanut”, after explaining it can’t be peanut because he has already said, n, u and t and they are not in the word he then yells “penis” 😂. Which technically does have the word pea at the start. We had another spelling lesson. They guessed a few more letters and got the word ‘peacock’. Brax then says at the end “ I wish the word was penis” 🤣🤣 boys!

    Another late night for us ( 7.45pm).
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