• Day 61

    Leafy Seadragon - Tumby Bay

    March 2, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We did it, we found the illusive leafy sea dragon of Tumby Bay!

    I have been waiting a year, since reading about the leafy sea dragon colony that lives under the jetty at Tumby Bay, to go snorkeling and lay my eyes on one of these babies. Last year, when we were here it was just to windy and the sea was to rough, but today was perfect.

    With some tips from Kat and Shaun who found them a few weeks ago, we were on our way, I was not leaving without seeing one. I was starting to worry when Brett called out! He had found one!

    What a delicate, creature. He moved so slowly and gracefully through the water, we were just able to float above him and watch him swim around. We had to be careful when he went near the weed, as he would camouflage and we would lose him, until he would swim back out again.

    Of course the boys once seeing the leafy sea dragon and taking some pics were extremely keen to hit up the jumping platform on the jetty. They all disappeared while I stayed and watched the sea dragon a bit longer. It may be the only time I ever get to see one.
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