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  • Day 13

    Day 11 Santo Domingo to Belorado

    April 27 in Spain ⋅ 🌬 46 °F

    Santo Domingo to Granon to Redecilla del Camino to Castildelgado to Viloria del Rieja to Belorado. 14.7 miles. Today was another gray day with rain, and I was a little hangry half way thru as Granon only had pastries and that doesn’t fuel you for 10 miles of hilly walking. Delicious, but not good energy. We took a 1/2 mile detour in the rain following a sidewalk sign pointing to a restaurant loudly proclaiming it is open 24 hours - only to find a depressing and very closed truck stop type place. So I sat on the steps in the rain and ate a vending machine protein bar called Corny (not good) and my last beef stick. There is truly no rhyme or reason I can figure out to when things are open. Oh well. We trudged on. And then a pretty rainbow appeared, the hills stopped and.a crowd of people pointed us to someplace that was actually open. Hallelujah!

    Belorado is a fun town, and my hostel was really nice. Had pinxchos and drinks with a group, and then explored a tiny bit before going back to my hostel. I was feeling pretty tired the past two days after some poor sleep and not a lot of nutritional value food for the miles. While shorter mileage days and nothing to challenging, they felt hard for some reason. Going to bed early tonight in the hope of a better mood and energy for a long and physically challenging 19 miler tomorrow.
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