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  • Day 17

    Guayaquil, Ecuador day 1

    January 30, 2023, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

    It was an unplanned two days port instead of Peru.
    The day started with taking a free shuttle to the city. The ride was approximately 30-40 minutes. We arrived in the center of the city at Seminario Park. The park was build by colonial settlers in the 1690. It is also known as Iguana Park. The park is a home to endless number of iguanas 🦎.
    It also has palms, almond trees and artificial lagoons stacked with fish. The park has a statue of Simón Bolivar on horse and a sculpture of two fighting wild boars. Across the park is a very impressive the Apostle Saint Peter cathedral.
    From the park we walked to Administration Square. It is surrounded by beautiful heritage buildings: Municipal building, Governor Palace build around 1930.
    The square is full of impressive sculptures and also Fountains of Glory and Grace in honour of Marshal Antonio Jose de Sucre.

    We continue to Molecon 2000 which considered as one of the most successful urban projects of America. It is 2.5km walk full of nature, history tradition and modernism. For the start we decided to walk, enjoy and photograph this beautiful place. With the exception of heat and humidity, the place is really enjoyable. We finished the walk at the Anthropology museum which was closed on Monday.

    We turned back and decided to find a lunch place away from the crowds, unfortunately lots of places were closed. We found a small restaurant and had a light lunch, then walked back to the shuttle stop.
    We passed a Moorish Tower dated to 18 century. We also passed a Presidential Walk. The walk memorialised four former presidents, all born in Guayaquil.
    Another memorable sculpture is The Rotonda Hemicycle. It was inaugurated in 1938. The monument shows Bolivar and San Martin greeting each other surrounded by hemicycle formed by ten pillars and ten columns that have the flags of the South American countries they liberated.

    It was too hot to walk anymore, so we walked back to our shuttle.
    After another 40min ride on the shuttle, it was a relief to come “home” and take a shower. Tomorrow will be another day in the city.
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