  • Dag 25

    Glencoe, Loch Ness, Inverness

    23 mei 2022, Schotland ⋅ 🌧 50 °F

    Two more had to leave our tour group today because of Covid. We’re down to 16.

    I can’t believe how packed today was with activities! We headed north today up into the rugged Highlands. We stopped the the “weeping glen” town of Glencoe. It is the site of the infamous massacre between the Campbells and the MacDonalds. The cliffs seem to be weeping (cascading waterfalls) when it rains. The intense feeling still runs deep today hundreds of years later between the two clans. There are some pubs that won’t serve the Campbells. Glencoe was a location site for Monty Python, Harry Potter, Outlander, and Skyfall.

    On our travels today we stopped at a ski lift and took a ride to the top..about 4000 ft. Nigel, our guide, warmed us up with a dram of whisky when we reached the frigid top. I drank it and didn’t like it!

    We also visited the ruins of Urquhart Castle on the Loch Ness which was the largest medieval castle in Scotland. The ruins of Urquhart Castle are said to be over 1,000 years old and dates back to the 13th century. The castle played a pivotal role as a defensive position for both the Scots and the English.

    We continued north and took a cruise on Loch (lake) Ness where there were no sightings of the Loch Ness (Nessie) Monster! Interesting fact: All the lakes and rivers in England and Wales would not fill up Loch Ness!

    The day continued with a drive to the capital of the Highlands, Inverness. We took a short orientation walk along the River Ness before enjoying a group dinner at The Mustard Seed. To finish off the night Becky and I went with April and her mom Susan to the oldest pub in Inverness, The Gellions. It’s a local pub with nightly live Scottish music. It was lively, loud, and a fun way to end the night.

    Oh, a little extra. The Queen loves swans, and they are under the Royal Protection of the Queen. They can’t be killed.

    Also, how many English have been on the throne throughout history? None! There was a joke going around after Brexit that perhaps the Queen should be given a German passport!
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