  • Giorno 43

    Bay of islands

    9 novembre 2016, Nuova Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Soo my lovely host mum (or rather host grandma?) suggested a sailing trip and of course I was totally in as this is the best way to explore bay of islands! And it truly was stunning! There are so many little uninhabited islands, it felt like little greece but way greener!
    Sailing was really cool, I was even allowed to take the wheel for quite a time!
    We stopped for lunch on an island, but unfortunately I made all the pictures with my gopro on there, so I cant show you what it looked like, but believe me, I felt like I landed on a caribbean beach with shiny white sand and cristal clear, jade greenish/bluish water! *-*

    Other than that I feel pretty exhausted (yeah travelling can be exhausting I guess ^^) and so I spent the rest of the day chilling at the beach amd later cooking dinner with friends :)

    Oh and guess what?! I got my first sunburn: on my feet! Yup I completely forgot to put suncream on my feet although I spent the whold day barefoot on a boat - clever me!
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