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  • Giorno 161

    Sunset on the Mekong

    12 settembre 2023, Laos ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

    Today we jumped on some bikes and had a ride around Luang Prabang.
    It’s a really nice little city on the banks of the Mekong River and full of decorated Buddhist temples.

    In the evening we jumped onto a ferry cruise to get a view of the city from the water.

    Ariah and India got to load up some fish to released later in the cruise as part of a good luck ceremony.
    Poor Ariah’s stool broke when she stood on it though, so her fish missed the holding tank and had to be rescued from the floor after everyone made sure Ari was ok. 🤕
    The ceremony also involved writing a wish on a piece of banana leaf to release into the Mekong with the lucky fishes which was lovely.
    Even better, we got to also write any burden we wanted to be rid of on another piece of banana leaf and those were tied to rock and sunk to the bottom of the Mekong, carrying away all our worries ☺️☺️

    The sunset was lovely and it felt like the cruise went really quickly.

    We headed off to a night market when after we docked. There is a Buddhist festival on at the moment so the market was extra big and busy.
    We got some good deals and the girls showed once again they are master hagglers.

    We finished the night with dinner at the food market, grabbing a little something from a bunch of stalls.
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