True to ourselves we had a lot of fun at the airport filming Tik Toks, taking pictures and doing squats!
Very good flight to bring us to Miami which was crazy busy with SpringLæs mere
True to ourselves we had a lot of fun at the airport filming Tik Toks, taking pictures and doing squats!
Very good flight to bring us to Miami which was crazy busy with SpringLæs mere
After a nice workout this morning we headed to Joe and Juice’s to pick up some healthy smoothies to enjoy on our way to Ocean Drive and the Art Deco District.
We walked on the beach and made sure toLæs mere
Up very early to make the most of this beautiful day in the Bahamas!
Fab Abs class at the gym at 7:30 before a light breakfast of fresh fruits.
By 9:00 we were heading off the ship to head to for aLæs mere
Today was a day spent on the ship while we cruised the coast close to Miami!
I thought the girls would want to go in the pool, do the wall climbing, play at the mini putt or go down the waterLæs mere
We said our goodbyes to the Freedom of the Seas this morning.
The girls absolutely loved cruising their way through the Bahamas!
We spent the day by the pool at the Sagamore Hotel in South Beach!
WeLæs mere
Rejsende Vous respirez le bonheur. Profitez bien de ces beaux moments.
Rejsende Merci Mamie! Tellement de beaux moments et souvenirs!!!