  • Dag 18

    The Conclusion

    30 april 2018, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    After a long, but very smooth flight back, here I am, back home, trying to get used to the usual every day life.
    I promised myself that I will write some lines to conclude the overall experience that was this trip to US. I have to admit I was quite skeptical about how Americans are, about this country in general. And I am still not convinced that America is the place where all dreams come true. Nevertheless...even if the only 100% original are the Native Americans/American Indians and the country was entirely built by people coming from all over the world (England, Irland, Germany, China, Japan, Canada, etc), it is still impressive how they got to where they are. Even considering the issues they had and still have: the interracial crimes, the guns, the drugs, the wars, you can see that they are trying to co-exist, to bring everyone together, no matter how different they are. I found them (with few exceptions) very communicative, considerate, kind and with a common sense that I definitely did not expect. I saw everything: men dressed as women and women dressed as men, white, black, asian, homeless, rich, stupid and smart - so much diversity! They all live there in a country that gathered them and allows them to be who they are. Or at least tries to. I still would not say it is the perfect place on earth, because it probably is not, but I can say that it is an experience that is worth seeing and living. Fore more than just one time, as I am sure that the whole country is as diverse as its people are.Läs mer