  • Dag 2

    Prague - 2nd beer capital of the world

    5. desember 2019, Tsjekkisk Republikk ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

    Czechs are rude! Very rude..... but that's how they are. Rude to each other. Rude to their wives, husbands, children, strangers. So that didn't make us feel too bad when Rach got told to bugger off as she watched a Christmas market stall holder load hams onto a spit. So we did and got ham off a very nice man (well he didn't swear at us, so we have taken that as being polite in Prague).

    Old town is amazing, but busy. Full of tourists..... the cheek of it, getting in the way of us "travellers". I reckon there were 2000 people in the old town square watching the astrological clock strike 9. So 1991 people luckily avoided injury. Crazy busy man.

    Beer here is easier drinking than in Munich, as the pour it with a large head and that de-gases it quite a bit. Oh and the mulled wine warms you up perfectly when its -2!

    Chilled afternoon today (Sunday) Rach's mum & sis have headed back home and we are going on a nighttime tour of Prague Castle.

    Met our fellow cruise passengers last night. 95% from US & A (Borat {hi five!} ). Hmmm let's see how we go......
    Les mer