Czech Republic
Hlavní město Praha

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    • Day 2

      Tag 2: Prag

      September 10, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Heute ging es zu Fuß ins etwa 5 km entfernte Zentrum von Prag und unser Rubi konnte sich auf einem schönen Parkplatz direkt an der Moldau etwas von der gestrigen Fahrt erholen. Nachdem die Verkehrslage gestern um Welten besser als die Wetterlage war haben wir uns gegen einen Zwischenstopp in Pilsen entschieden und sind direkt nach Prag gefahren.Read more

    • Day 5

      The GoldenCity & the missing cobblestone

      September 24, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      The last two days I discovered Prague, the beautiful capital of Czech Republic. I was sleeping in a ten bed hostel room right next to Charles Bridge in the old town. Apart from strolling around the city with Steven from Seattle, Jess from Sidney and Valentine from Moscow, I joined a three hour lasting tip-based walking tour. After our tour guide was done with flooding us with information I had to wind down with a couple of beers. On the way back from the pub tour, "someone" came up with the awesome idea for taking the E-scooters which are for rent on every corner. As it quickly turned out, the small wheels don't make the scooters the most comfortable and safe way to get around Prague's cobblestones. Especially not when exhilaration of previous alcohol consumption is your copilot. So it happend inevitably that a missing cobblestone ended my ride right in front of 30 waiting pedestrians at the intersection of the famous Charles bridge pretty suddenly. After my amusing performance I rather continued going on foot...
      Today I am leaving this amazing city and go on heading for Krumlov on the Moldova.
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    • Day 1


      November 15, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      Nachdem mer hüt morge achoo sind hemmer euses Gepäck im Hotel verstaut und sind z'fuess d'stadt go erkunde.

      Es hett gfühlti all 20m en Süessigkeite Lade 🍬 🍭😄.
      I de Altstadt stönd ganz vill schöni Chile und Statue. D'karlsbrugg und d'burg simmer au scho go aluege😁.

      Etz gömmer denn go Znacht esse 🤗🍖🥘
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    • Day 2

      Prager Zoo

      November 16, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Hüt simmer im Hotel gmüetlich go zmörgele und hend eus denn entschiede in Zoo z'gah. Nachere churze fahrt mit de U-Bahn und em Bus simmer denn au scho det gsi.
      De Zoo da isch riesig. Mir sind 5h ohni pause umegloffe und hends nöd gschafft zum alles aluege!
      D'gheg sind au i de meiste fäll sehr gross und schön igrichtet, was mich positiv überrascht het. 😊

      Zum znacht simmer imne chliine härzige Restaurant go Tschechisch esse 🍗🥓🍞.

      Und zum schluss hemmer na müsse de Dessert go probiere womer gester drah verbii gloffe sind. Sind aso so guet wies uusgsehnd. Hend aber glich vill kostet wie euse znacht🤔😄
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    • Day 4

      Nachli meh Dessert...

      November 18, 2019 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Und überrasched vill Tier zmizt i de Stadt 😊

      Womer es Föteli vo de Karlsbrugg hend welle mache mit de Burg im Hindergrund, hani plötzlich gseh das sich de öppis im Wasser bewegt. Es isch i dem Momemt abtaucht und mer hett s'ratte ähnliche schwänzli grad na gseh useluege 😄.
      Da isch mer denn grad iigfalle dasi mal öppis vo de Bisamratte glese han, wo bis uf de beseiti Schwanz praktisch glich usgseht wie en Biber.

      Werendem mer die chliine härzige Bisamratte babys beobachtet hend isch denn au na en iisvogel cho verbiiluege. 🤗
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    • Day 16

      Prague - Day 1

      January 5, 2020 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

      So we set off towards the Old Town on our first day in Prague and I was pleasantly surprised to see the Christmas Markets were still going strong! I think Ed had seen enough Christmas Markets to last a life time and the poor vendors must’ve been over too although they all would finish up on the 6th January so only one more day. And nothing beats the smell of Christmas spices and roasting meats while you explore the city. The astronomical clock is beautiful and our photo doesn’t do it justice as the sun/shadows weren’t in our favour.

      We decided to get a view of the famous Charles Bridge before walking over it and Ed got a great shot of the size and amazing architecture. We wandered up to the Prague Castle and spent a couple of hours exploring its interesting history. The Cathedral in the Castle grounds is a wonder to behold! I also had to include some photos of Ed’s amazing lunch up at the restaurant. My fresh ginger tea was also amazing :)

      On our way down from the Castle we found the famous Stredoveka Krcma (Medieval Tavern) and headed down into the eerie stone pub which has been open daily since 1375. That was an experience!

      Our walk home took us over the Charles Bridge and we had some great views looking over the city (once you manoeuvre around the thousands of tourists and their selfies!)

      A day well spent and some sore legs to put up by the end of the day! Lauren X
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    • Day 18

      Prague - Day 2 & 3

      January 7, 2020 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 2 °C

      Not too many photos from our last couple of days in Prague as we went to some museums and galleries where you weren’t allowed to take photos - understandably. Day 2 took us to the Museum of Communism which was really interesting and I’m really pleased we decided to go. I’m not a big history buff but the exhibition was so informative and well set out with lots of memorabilia from the last 100 years of Prague’s history. Highly recommend! We wandered through the Jewish Quarter of Prague which was fascinating too.

      For our final day in Prague, I wanted to spend some time exploring some interesting art galleries so we started at the Musuem of Miniatures which features the tiny works from Anatolij Konenko. It was mind blowing. He has created artwork like nothing I’ve ever seen before working on small surfaces such as poppy seeds, a strand of hair or a grain of rice. Ed managed to get a couple of photos on his phone looking into the microscopes (go Galaxy S8 for skill!).

      We went for a walk around the area of the Strahov Monastery and as it was getting pretty cold by this point, we ended up heading into the Monastery Beer and Wine Cellars which have been used for over 800 years. The restaurant down the bottom was fantastic and I got to try their freshly brewed Cherry Beer which was amazing. Of course I made Ed sample the food so he had some amazing looking (and tasting I’m sure!) black sausage stew. No complaints from him haha!

      We had a couple of hours to kill before heading to the airport so decided to head to the National Gallery which is in the Fair Trade Palace. A lot of local Czech artists featured in there and a few Picasso and Matisse as part of the collection. Was a good little stop over! 

Then off to the airport for our flight to Copenhagen. Chat in a few days :D

      Lauren xx
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    • Day 18

      First day in Prague

      February 18, 2020 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      After my overnight journey to Prague I arrives at 8am. I wasn't able to check into my hostel so dumped my bag there and went for a free walking tour.

      This city is incredible. I feel like I'm back in a main spot again.

      Really is something special there.

      Can't wait to go exploring again tomorrow
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    • Day 19

      Last day in Prague

      February 19, 2020 in Czech Republic ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      Well I can't believe I have been here already for 2 days ..... it's gone so fast.

      This city is incredible. The architecture is like a masterpiece on ever corner, waking under arches and over bridges that have been there for hundreds of years. The colour and the vibrancy of the place makes you feel alive right from entering the city. From street performers to smoked sausage and ham on the streets to legends and myths at every corner.

      It has been an incredible experience and one which I will absolutely be coming back to experience again.
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    • Day 1


      February 21, 2020 in Czech Republic ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Da wir noch zu früh waren um einzuckecken, haben wir schon mal unsere erste Runde durch die Stadt gedreht. Ulli war ja noch nie hier und jetzt schon total begeistert... langsam überkam uns aber dann doch der Hunger nach einem Frühstück mit leckerem, heißen Kaffee...also ab an die Moldau und ein Cafe/Bistro suchen. Das war dann auch schnell gefunden und wir setzten unser Vorhaben in die Tat um 😉

      Danach schlenderten wir noch ein bisschen in der Stadt umher, bis es uns dürstete und wir uns umgehend in ein Brauhaus begaben...lecker Bierchen trinken

      Es wurde Zeit einzuckecken...gesagt, getan...und dann erst mal ne Runde pennen, bis wir uns am Abend wieder ins Getümmel stürzten...sooo eine schöne Stadt bei Dunkelheit...all die beleuchteten Gassen und Plätze...einfach toll. Als Tagesabschluss ging es noch ins Brauhaus Schwejk...essen und trinken...

      ....ein schöner erster Tag in Prag
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Hlavní město Praha, Hlavni mesto Praha, Praga, Prague ville-capitale, Hlavní Mesto Praha

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