  • Dag 28

    My body knows!

    12. november 2018, England ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Turns out when you've slept all day, your body will wake up earlier than normal, and it'll also tell you why it was getting so much rest. Waking up at six in the morning was not quite the plan, but neither was the scratchy throat and stuffy nose. It's as if my immune system doesn't like being alone in a room, but I wasn't going to let it stop me. Figuring I had more than enough time, I read for a while, took a nice long shower (because now one was waiting for it), and made my way downstairs for some breakfast. Essentially I was going for something hot, to sooth my throat, and protein to get me through the day, and settled for tea and a bacon bap (or round roll.) The upside of course, to waking up at an ungodly hour, is that I had plenty of time to choose what I wanted to do, and decided on a Beatles bus tour. Walking over to the Royal Albert Dock, it struck me that this was the first day in weeks that I actually had a need for my sunglasses, too bad they were back in the room. Not being a music buff by any means, I thoroughly enjoyed the tour. The guide and driver were very funny, and I learned a ton of interesting facts about each band member, where they grew up, how they got their start, what brought them together and then to fame... so naturally I've forgotten most of it. The trip ended with us headed for the Cavern Club, where we got a free souvenir (that you can only get through the tour) of a postcard that was reproduced from one years ago. With it barely being past noon, and not knowing where my day would lead me, I actually headed back to do some laundry, because I was literally on my last outfit. The boring part of travel being finished, but at least getting a game of pool in while waiting, I realized I had enough time to head back to the docks and check out The Beatles Story, a museum, all about them. Once I'd paid, and picked up the free audio guide, I slowly made my way though the building learning even more about these music idols. Although most likely overpriced, it was still a fun thing to experience, as well as being the only place where this museum exists, so in the long run it was worth it. Walking back, and being well aware of the time, I went to drop off any unnecessary items in my room, and then went straight to the Lebanese restaurant from the night before; I would not miss it tonight. Ordering the recommended lamb shawarma burger, a fantastic invention, was such a good choice. The burger was juicy without dripping all over your hands, and meaty but lacking the sense that you'd keel over from protein overload, the salad that came with was crisp and tangy for a perfect accompaniment, and being in England you can bet there were "chips." The finale of the meal though, and a recommendation from the receptionist who told me about this place yesterday, was the Lebanese coconut cheesecake. Not quite the same as an American cheesecake, but delicious all the same, and managed to be creamy but feel too heavy. Leaving the restaurant I did consider going back to The Cavern, since there is free admission with the bus tour, but still having a scratch in my throat I opted for tea, and at the very least an earlier bedtime. It didn't feel like a jam packed day, much easier than some, but my body might be telling me to slow down... I might wait until I'm home.Læs mere