  • Dag 8

    Getting things done.

    11. desember 2019, India ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    My last full day here, can you believe it? I still feel shocked that I'm in India to begin with, and now I'll be headed home tomorrow. I spent the morning packing up, and then helping Erin pack up her things. Coordination is definitely necessary when you're traveling with a toddler, even when it isn't your own. The other factor that is quite the setback is that the bags we bring on board with us can only weigh 7kg, or a little over 15lbs. Normally this would be no issue at all, but factor in feeding a fussy kid, changing diapers, and making sure he's entertained for 17 hours, well that changes things. Miraculously I got the first bag to weigh exactly the amount needed. Deciding that was a fine start, because it was just the beginning, I headed off for lunch.

    I must have passed some test, because that is the only reason I can think of for today's food being so much spicier than any other time I've eaten here. There is finally something that surpassed the fiery chicken burger. This food seriously pushed my spice limits, and even though I didn't finish it all, I ate my fill and made it though to the other side.

    The afternoon on the other hand is the real killer. The midday heat and humidity is no joke, and I totally understand why everyone here disappears for a few hours during the peak heat. But one nap later and I was raring to go. Before I went off on the next mini adventure, Srimathy had come back with a string of flowers that women would pin in their hair, like she did, for Erin and me. I enthusiastically put it in my hair and now everything around me smelled wonderful. Feeling invigorated and smelling delightful, I made my way out in Coimbatore once more.

    I decided to try the mall again to see if I could find anything else that fit my souvenir criteria, and soak up the AC, but other than the first shop I came up empty handed. I may not have found anything quite to my liking, but it was a short trip, and on the drive over I had noticed somewhere that looked very interesting right near the clinic. Upon returning I immediately decided I would head out and get some real deal 'pani puri' (I may have also butchered the name of that dish.) I went right for the stall that I got my chicken and rice from last time, and he actually bagged up the food, separately so to avoid sogginess, and I continued on my path. Making my way along the busy street, making sure to avoid motorcycles and cars alike, I came across the store I'd be seeking out since my car trip earlier; a sweets store. The people there were very nice, giving samples and suggesting different things, but ultimately I went with my favorite of the things I had tried from the first small market. I also had them write down what it was, because until that point I had no idea what it was called.

    When I got back to the room I couldn't wait to try my street food. I unpacked each item, especially carefully in the case of the liquid, and dove right in. I cracked a hole in one of these fried and crispy receptacles, and dipped it in to the sauce. The consistancy was thick, almost like gravy, the crunch of the chip adding a nice contrast of texture, and there was quite a hit of heat; so much so I could only eat four before I hit my max. Definitely worth it to try, and would absolutely have it in the future. It feels like I didn't do a whole heck of a lot, but I was tuckered out and ready to hit the sack. Tomorrow would be an even crazier day.
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