Dougie & Maud lost in Japan

marraskuuta - joulukuuta 2018
22-päiväinen seikkaillu — Glenda Lue lisää
  • 3jalanjäljet
  • 22päivää
  • 4valokuvat
  • 0tykkäykset
Luettelo maista
  • Japani
  • Australia
Ei mitään
  • 7,9tajetut kilometrit
  • Lento7 947kilometriä
  • Kävely-kilometriä
  • Patikointi-kilometriä
  • Polkupyörä-kilometriä
  • Moottoripyörä-kilometriä
  • Tuk tuk-kilometriä
  • Auto-kilometriä
  • Juna-kilometriä
  • Bussi-kilometriä
  • Matkailuauto-kilometriä
  • Karavaani-kilometriä
  • Neliveto-kilometriä
  • Uima-kilometriä
  • Melonta/Soutu-kilometriä
  • Moottorivene-kilometriä
  • Purjehdus-kilometriä
  • Asuntolaiva-kilometriä
  • Lautta-kilometriä
  • Risteilyalus-kilometriä
  • Hevonen-kilometriä
  • Hiihtäminen-kilometriä
  • Liftaus-kilometriä
  • Cable car-kilometriä
  • Helikopteri-kilometriä
  • Paljain jaloin-kilometriä
  • 3jalanjäljet
  • 22päivää
  • 4valokuvat
  • 0tykkäykset
  • 7,9tkilometriä
  • 7,9tkilometriä
  • Päivä 1

    DAY 1: Canberra to Melbourne

    11. marraskuuta 2018, Australia ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

    Yippee, Dougie & Maud are on the move...finally! This trip might go down as the most overplanned adventure ever (not counting Italy which was 10 years in the making, and worth every minute of those 10 years!). A 21 hour stop-over at the Holiday Inn, Melbourne Airport...checked out the neighbourhood, lunch at Maccas, crap Foxtel Movies and travel app installation. Lovely sunset & a Crescent moon! See the wonderful view from our window...yes car parks!Lue lisää

  • Päivä 2

    Melbourne to Tokyo

    12. marraskuuta 2018, Japani ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Up early, shuttle bus to departures, check in then wait...plane slightly delayed so time for selfie practice with lovely pic of a Melbourne Laneway in background. Flight pretty uneventful (we won't mention the elderly Adelaide couple in the seats in front & their reclined seats😾), lots of movie viewing time. Arrival at Narita went smoothly, managed to exchange JR rail pass voucher for the passes & reserve a seat on the Narita Express into Tokyo, and actually catch the right train. After a bit of 'lostness' & minor indecision we made it to Kinshicho station then caught a taxi to our cosy apartment in Oshiage. Tea was supplied by the local 7 ELEVEN store...chicken & veggie rice with prawn yakitori. The apartment has a great view of Tokyo Skytree Tower especially at night when it's lit up.Lue lisää

  • Päivä 3

    Oshiage to Nippori & Ueno

    13. marraskuuta 2018, Japani ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    After looking lost & confused staring at train routes at Oshiage Station for about 20 minutes a very kind lady asked if we needed help! She ended up involving the very nice young ticket master, who in a jiffy produced the right tickets for us to Nippori...relief. Nippori Fabric Town! Extremely well sign posted if you know where to look!
    Yanaka Ginza, up the steep steps & down the steep steps across the other side of the railway tracks. Old style street with artisan shops. Yanaka is known for it's cats. So lots of cat themed goods & food. We did see several live ones! We had an interesting light lunch of scones cross between rock cakes & scones, very tasty & served with a light marmaladish looking jam, small slices of banana, kiwi fruit & watermelon plus lemon tea...delicious.
    The Asakura Museum of Sculpture. Beautiful old house with concrete studio attached. Very peaceful walking through the Tatami floored rooms & climbing to the rooftop garden. Of course cat sculptures featured.
    Wandered through the Yanaka Cemetery, a few autumn leaves, children's playground, phone box, main road etc. as well as a peaceful Temple, Tenno-ji with the Great Buddha of Yanaka. It was there we saw the most cats, all being feed.
    A pleasant walk found us in Ueno Park, a hive of activity even though most museums and temples had closed down for the day. The autumn leaves will look stunning when or if they arrive!😾 Not enough time to see everything...
    A quick trip on the train to Akihabara, nerd central, for tea & Simon time. Lots of bright lights, Maid Cafe girls touting for business.
    Day & night time views from our room of Tokyo Skytower.
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