  • Dag 13

    Jungle Night Walk, Day 1

    14. desember 2016, Malaysia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    The after dinner night walk was a adventurous experience - pitch black, thick mud and dense jungle (oh, and some potentially dangerous creatures!). Once the safety briefing was done, disclaimer forms signed, high-vis vests on and wellies hired we were off but didnt have to go far before we saw a baby, deadly green tree frog followed by the most unusual looking centipede we've ever seen. The water spider could move fast when it wanted to and thankfully so did the tortoise so we narrowly missed treading on it as it was well hiden in the muddy path. The star of the show definitely had to be the rainbow coloured kingfisher sleeping with its beak hidden under its wing, so close it was within touching distance. So many moths and butterflies kept flying at us, attracted by our torch light.Les mer