  • День 79

    D77-79 Sri Lanka - Nilavelli

    21 сентября 2019 г., Шри-Ланка ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    So the past three days were big...get ready for this post, cos it’s going to be a whopper. Alright, not really: we’ve done nothing. It’s been pretty great.

    Well not nothing as such - we’ve swum, sunbathed, gone for long [romantic] walks on the beach, eaten food, played numerous rounds of monopoly cards, napped, read, listened to podcasts and music, and then done it all over again. For three days. I feel like we have spent two and half months travelling and are finally on holidays, and it’s just what we both need before reality strikes in a week’s time.

    Our three days in a nutshell:

    Day 1
    Kate got a thorn from a screw pine stuck in her foot, so while she sat on a rock I walked back to the villa to get tweezers and got sunburnt on one shoulder.
    We discovered Leo’s restaurant a bit further up the beach and it quickly became a favourite, having eaten most lunches (except for when we snacked on bananas) and all dinners there since. Leo’s is owned by a local man who is married to a French lady, and they have a little four year old boy who is the funniest kid ever.

    Day 2
    Ate a nice veggie curry at Leo’s for lunch, enjoyed a bit more beach time, had a group of stray dogs proudly run up to us and proceed to have sex next to my deck chair. The local groundskeeper came over and the posse ran on up the beach, stopping only for the occasional enthusiast hump.
    We returned to Leo’s for dinner (fish for me, calamari for Katey) then headed back to the dark beach for our 10 minute walk home. While watching an epic lightening storm out in the ocean, within minutes we heard barking. ‘Quick, turn your phone torch on,’ and low and behold, it was the hyper sexual dogs from earlier in the day, still going at it! It was like the Blair Witch project with us trying everything to deter the dogs from following us, lit by a shaky iPhone torch. Bark, growl, ‘throw some sand!’, ‘it’s not working, turn the light off and walk in the water’, ‘argh they’re coming!’, ‘grrrrrr, get outta here!’, bark, whimper, growl, hump...To be honest, the poor female was probably looking for someone to save her!
    We found the lights on the beach indicating we’d arrived at our villa. We beelined towards it with the dogs on tail. Luckily they saw another couple from the villa watching the storm and headed towards them, providing us with a break to head to our room. The poor couple behind us jumped up and headed quickly towards their villa, probably put out that their romantic night had been cut short! The electrical storm was the highlight here...

    Day 3
    Much the same as day 1. Again, a stray dog ran up to us, this time by himself. It was baking hot so he got on under Kate’s deck chair, dug a bit of a hole and stayed there. He followed us back to our villa, sat outside for about two hours then latched himself into the other couple. We call him Billy.

    Our beach journey of relaxation continues tomorrow when we head to Negumbo in preparation for our departure.
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