• Day 17

    Pauduwar to Pokharebagar Trek Day 11

    October 11, 2024 in Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    We hiked down 1100m today on trails, roads and stairs. Anthony and I brushed by some stinging nettle which started to burn and so we quickly found the antidote mugwort plant,rubbed it on & the stings went away immediately. Our porters were taking some pretty steep shortcuts today. They are like mountain goats and often walk in slides.! We got to the valley bottom and walked across the suspension bridge. As we were heading up the stairs a woman was sharpening her knife on the stairs. Suvas helped me ask if I could take a picture of her. She asked where we were from and she said her son is in Canada. We hopped in the jeeps at Pokharebagar and had a pretty crazy, but good 45 min. Jeep ride to Beni where we started our trek...full circle⭕️ The busses and jeeps and motorcycles come so close to the vehicle. The porters rode in the open back part of the jeep. In Beni we had lunch in the hotel we started our trek at. We tipped our porters and guides before saying our goodbyes. I cried, no surprise😭 We really bonded with them all over the 11 days. We took some photos with them outside then started our 3 hour van ride back to Pohkora. We saw a momma and baby monkey. First ones we saw close up, but driving by. We stopped to walk on the longest suspension bridge across a valley. It helped cut 3 hours of walking for locals to get across. In this area there are lots of smaller suspension bridges to connect communities. We saw a car driving by with a goat on the roof 🤭😝That goat will likely be slaughtered for Festival offering. We got to Pohkora safely. We had hot showers and went out for a great meal w chicken😀 and 2 for 1 mojitos. We slept so well😴Read more