Mayāngdi Khola

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  • Hari 43

    Endlich der Poonhill

    6 Februari, Nepal ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

    Wir sind um fünf aus dem Haus gegangen. Was ich dann sah, habe ich zuletzt in der Wüste gesehen. Einen wunderschönen Sternenhimmel!
    Wir brauchten ungefähr eine Stunde zum Poonhill. Ich habe es geschafft!! Yippie!
    Ich sah zuerst einen roten Streifen am Horizont, der wurde immer orange, gelber.
    Sooo schön! Um uns herum ein paar Achttausender, Annapurna 1 und 2.
    Es wurde immer voller .
    Chinesen, Japaner, Franzosen, Schweizer, Spanier und ein paar Deutsche.
    Das war der schönste Sonnenaufgang den ich je gesehen habe. Magisch!
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  • Hari 15–18

    Shikha to Ghorepani to Ramjai

    27 Disember 2024, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

    Two days of ascending, many many stairs but we did it! And as they say, what goes up, must come down.... The last proper day of hiking from Ghorepani was a long way down, steps all the way, quite steep and many of them!!!!
    The trekking this side of the high pass has been so different and so lovely.
    Friday and Saturday ascending over 1600 metres! Up up and up!
    Then on Sunday morning at 5am we walked to Poon hill to watch the sunrise, again, the photos tell the pictures. After a week earned breakfast, we had the long walk down 1650 metres in one go.
    The scenery is tropical, beautiful greenery, stunning forests and walking through the villages and seeing the traditional ways of working.
    The legs are really feeling 14 days of hiking, almost 180km done!
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  • Hari 13–15

    Happy Christmas

    25 Disember 2024, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    After yesterday's challenging hike, today was a day of relative rest. A little late alarm call, a lovely breakfast and a short walk through Muktinath before getting a local bus to take us to Ghasa, our overnight stay.
    The roads were interesting, a combination of an excellent highway then rubble and little road left to drive on. A lot of fun if you just put your trust in the driver.
    The biggest thing I've noticed in the Himalayas is the dramatic change in scenery! The pictures from my Christmas 2024 will tell that story.
    A small hike to see the area before a Christmas celebration involving local Apple brandy! We made our own party.
    A few headaches and a late start we hiked to the next location which was the homestay in Narchang! What an experience, preparing food together and eating with our local hosts and some of our amazing porters, Dil and Ram and Yam, one of our guides. We also went to a natural hot spring via a fun trip on the back of a jeep!
    An amazing Christmas, so different but it enjoyed every minute of it.
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  • Hari 12

    10.11. Etappe 2 von Ulleri bis Ghorepani

    10 November 2024, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

    Wie an den Fotos unschwer zu erkennen, verbrachten wir den Tag nach einem zunächst getrennten Start bald überwiegend zu fünft. Die Stimmung war prima, da nicht nur die beiden Mädels froh zu sein schienen, dass sie nun auch unterwegs zusammen sein konnten. Sie haben ja ihre Guide- Ausbildung beide bei 3sisters absolviert und teilen sich in unseren Unterkünften bisher Tisch und Bett. Auch Didier genoss es sichtlich, dass er nicht nur mit mir Englisch radebrechen musste, sondern mit Claire lange Strecken französisch parlieren konnte. Unterwegs hatten wir lustige und interessante Begegnungen sowohl mit Nepalis als auch mit anderen Trekkern. U.a. mit meinem "ersten Deutschen" hier - einem jungen Vater aus Duisburg, der seinen ersten Alleinurlaub ohne Familie genoss sowie mit der Russin Xenia und dem britischen Witzbold Billy, die beide offenbar wie wir in Pokhara spontan fürs Trekking zusammen gekommen waren - aber kein Paar.
    Landschaftlich haben mir heute - wie schon in Indien bei der letzten anstrengenden Bergbesteigung- am besten die herrlich regenwaldartigen Rhododendronwälder gefallen.
    Am Zielort Ghorepani bekamen wir jeder wieder ein kleines, unbeheiztes (draußen nachts 3 Grad!) Singlezimmer - wenn auch ohne eigenes Bad / WC. Toll war der - wieder für die Lodge namengebende - "Superview"aus dem Fenster! Bei der Ankunft hier war ich so ausgehungert, dass ich eineinhalb große Portionen Dhal Bhat plus Omelette verschlang, was zu leichtem Magendrücken führte. Nach einer heiß ersehnten heißen Dusche, die ebenso wie heißes oder kaltes Wasser zum Trinken extra bezahlt werden muss, hielt ich einen Nachmittagsschlaf: komplett mit Mütze, Socken und Handschuhen eingekleidet im Schlafsack unter 2 Extradecken. Etwas anderes war mir bei der Kälte, nach fast 6 Stunden Wandern und dem vielen Essen absolut nicht möglich!
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  • Hari 87–93

    Pokhara and Poonhill Hike

    2 November 2024, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Our 25 mins flight (alternative to 8h bus ride) took us to Pokhara which is our base for our 3d 2n Poon Hill Hike to see the Annapurna Massif range.
    We had a full day in Pokhara to stroll around. We didn’t want to do any sightseeing or hikes as we wanted to be prepared for our big hike the next day. So we just did relaxing walks along the Lake Phewa, went to different shops and had some good meals and drinks. We also saw a lot of dancing activities on the road from the local youth as it was still festive week in Nepal.
    We met our guide and porter and finally our tour did start with a 1.5h drive in an old Hyundai in very bad roads to our starting point Nayapul on 1.070 metres. From there slowly upward to Tikhedhunga where we had amazing Dal Bhat Nepali. And then our 3.500 steps upward walk started which was accompanied by partially heavy rain. Was a tough experience. We reached our Guesthouse in Ulleri and did spend the rest of the day around the wood fire to dry our clothes and warm us up.
    The second day started with sunshine. We were able to see the peak of the Annapurna South in the distance. Today’s walk was from Ulleri on 1.960 metres to Godephani on 2.860 metres hiking partially through Rhododendron forests. Nice upwards walk in the sun but at the end we just escaped the upcoming rain.
    The third day did start with the 4.45am 1h walk upward to Poonhill on 3.210 metres. From there we watched the sunset and could see the Annapurna Massif Range with the Annapurna South (7.291m), Annapurna I (8.091m), the Dhaulagiri (8.167m) and the Machapuchare (6.993m). Was a great experience despite all the other people. Then down again, quick breakfast and at 8am we started our 18km downhill hike from 2.860 meter to 974 meter. Wonderful views again but painful especially the following days when we felt all our muscles in our legs.
    In summary a great experience to do a hike in Nepal and would everybody recommend to do that. Landscape and people are just amazing.
    Now it’s time to roll back to Kathmandu and then to Delhi for a few days to prepare for our trip to Sri Lanka.
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  • Hari 11

    Halte durch, Thopley!

    14 Oktober 2024, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Bei der Landschaft fühlt es sich an wie in einem Kunstwerk zu fahren. Unbeschreiblich. Aus den Bergen kommend, sind wir nun wieder zurück im Herzen Nepals! Da wo die Ziege zum Mittag bei 34 Grad im Wohnzimmer zerlegt wird, wo man beim Hiking hier und da durch Canabisfelder läuft oder beim Einchecken im Hotel zunächst noch eine 520 m lange Hängebrücke überqueren muss.

    Die letzten beiden Tage hat uns aber besonders das Schicksal von Thopley beschäftigt. Thopley ist einer von vielen Straßenhunden hier in Nepal. Und als wir für eine Pause direkt neben ihm die Mopeds abstellten, viel uns sofort sein offener Bruch am Vorderbein auf. Insgesamt war er in keinem guten Zustand. Da unser nepalesischer Guide bereits viel mit Tierschutzorganisationen zusammen gearbeitet und selbst schon mehrere Hunde auf seiner Farm aufgenommen hat, war schnell Hilfe organisiert. Thopley fuhr mit unserem Mechaniker-Team noch raus aus den Bergen und wurde dann mit zwei mal Umsteigen an HART (Himalayan Animal Rescue Trust) übergeben. Dort wird jetzt versucht ihn wieder aufzupeppeln und die Verletzung zu versorgen. Die gesamte Manschaft drückt ihm die Daumen!

    Wieder auf den Motorrädern fuhren wir schließlich weiter und besuchten noch die zweitlängste Hängebrücke der Welt. Funfact: 2023 wurde die 10.000. Hängebrücke in Nepal mit Schweitzer Beteiligung eingeweiht. Mit Hilfe und Unterstützung durch die Experten aus der Alpenrepublik haben u.a. Kinder nun die Möglichkeit überhaupt eine Schule zu besuchen. So muss es sein!!

    "Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to others"
    - Buddha
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  • Hari 17

    Pauduwar to Pokharebagar Trek Day 11

    11 Oktober 2024, Nepal ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    We hiked down 1100m today on trails, roads and stairs. Anthony and I brushed by some stinging nettle which started to burn and so we quickly found the antidote mugwort plant,rubbed it on & the stings went away immediately. Our porters were taking some pretty steep shortcuts today. They are like mountain goats and often walk in slides.! We got to the valley bottom and walked across the suspension bridge. As we were heading up the stairs a woman was sharpening her knife on the stairs. Suvas helped me ask if I could take a picture of her. She asked where we were from and she said her son is in Canada. We hopped in the jeeps at Pokharebagar and had a pretty crazy, but good 45 min. Jeep ride to Beni where we started our trek...full circle⭕️ The busses and jeeps and motorcycles come so close to the vehicle. The porters rode in the open back part of the jeep. In Beni we had lunch in the hotel we started our trek at. We tipped our porters and guides before saying our goodbyes. I cried, no surprise😭 We really bonded with them all over the 11 days. We took some photos with them outside then started our 3 hour van ride back to Pohkora. We saw a momma and baby monkey. First ones we saw close up, but driving by. We stopped to walk on the longest suspension bridge across a valley. It helped cut 3 hours of walking for locals to get across. In this area there are lots of smaller suspension bridges to connect communities. We saw a car driving by with a goat on the roof 🤭😝That goat will likely be slaughtered for Festival offering. We got to Pohkora safely. We had hot showers and went out for a great meal w chicken😀 and 2 for 1 mojitos. We slept so well😴Baca lagi

  • Hari 16

    Khopra to Pauduwar Trek Day 10

    10 Oktober 2024, Nepal ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Today we hiked downhill on stairs 1600m. Our calves were screaming a bit from the day before. The stairs were being replaced in parts by one local man and the man who financed the project was overseeing. He dug out the area and hand placed each stone. We came back to the treeline of Rhododendruns and alpine flowers. We had a beautiful lunch spot hosted by a family with a cute kitten. The view was amazing. As we came into the village of Pauduwar ( pronounced powder), the gardens, flowers and old Stone buildings were prominent. It is Festival time and we could hear the music and celebrations all the way down the mountain. The locals paint their houses white at Festival time and one lady was covered head to toe in splattered white paint! We saw some ladies separating soy beans, and another 90 year old woman tieing off the corn husks for cattle. She was so beautiful with the nicest smile. Once we got settled and washed up, we had our hot drinks and then walked to the school just below us where lots of the local girls and women were playing volleyball. Our Porters usually join in and so they played too. We went into the school to meet the Headmaster. She has been Headmaster for 10 months. She was teaching prior and is local. They have no money from the government for resources. They rely on community donations. One of our group members presented her with some new basketballs. We then went to meet the local cheesemaker. He collects the milk from locals and other villages and makes the cheese from cows milk. He then sells it to hotels in the bigger centers. He pays himself and one employee and the rest goes to the local school. We bought 2 kg from him and we all split it. It was so delicious. We had our dinner and then our lead guide, Chitra made us a cake made of buckwheat and millet. It was really good. A nice way to end the day. A bit of info about the Festival time here in Nepal:

    2024 - October 3 - 12 Dashain is the most important festival to Nepalis, and stretches over 2 weeks with various stages and events. It is a celebration of good prevailing over evil, and most families offer male goats, ducks, chickens, eggs and coconuts to the goddess Durga. They also smash pumpkins or watermelon if they dont want to offer a goat
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  • Hari 15

    Kohpra to Khayer Lake Trek Day 9

    9 Oktober 2024, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    4 members of our group, our 3 guides and all 3 porters were up for a 5:30 breakfast and we were hiking by 6:15am. Vimal set the pace quite fast because we were 15 minutes late leaving. He wanted to ensure we made it back before dark. We soon settled into a better, slower pace. We were greeted by the morning Himalayas and the goat herding dogs who took their job seriously! This hike was by far the most challenging we, and for sure I, have ever done. We trekked 19.5 km return in 11 hrs with an elevation gain of 1192m reaching 4656m. This was mainly stairs that were so steep. Coming down was equally challenging. None of us experienced any altitude problems. Locals will make the pilgrimage to sacred Khayer Lake in August during the moon festival. They leave red & white ribbon along the way and once at the lake make wishes & set intentions and touch the water. We were so happy to have accomplished this trek, especially after all the tough hiking we have done in the 8 days prior.Baca lagi

  • Hari 14

    Dan Kharka to Khopra Trek Day 8

    8 Oktober 2024, Nepal ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    We woke up at 7 am. It was colder last night close to 3000m. We played Phase 10 by the fire last night, so much colder without the fire this morning. We started our 660m ascent over 4.5 km at 9am. We saw so many more trekkers today coming down from Khopra and one group we leap frogged with up. It was an unbelievable climb. Our guides paced us so well. We stopped for many short breaks. One of our breaks we were the same elevation as Mohare Danda. So the rest of the climb was new territory with elevation. We all did well because they walk us very slowly to acclimatize. No medication needed. The guides showed us plants for medicinal purposes along our hike. We saw flat slate rocks layed out where the locals feed their goats salt from. The Buffalo, oxen, yaks, & goats climb up and down what we have done throughout the trek w the herders. The temp change was significant from start to finish. We enjoyed an amazing Dal Bhat today with soybeans that were so tasty. We are continuing after lunch to climb slightly higher so we acclimatize even more when we come back to the lodge. We have decided to do the 10-12 km over 8-9hrs to Khayer Lake tomorrow. It will be a 900m elevation climb difference tomorrow. We hiked up to just over 3800m (over 12,000 ft) after lunch and found the herd of yaks. There were only about 15 males and the rest females (gnaks) and babies. They sell the male babies, the tails and their hair is used as well. When we got back the sun opened up on the Fang and Annapurna South for a few minutes. They are so incredible this close. We are early to bed to get up at 5:30 am for a quick breakfast and start our long day for 4 of us doing this last hike. Some are opting to stay and relax or go for a shorter hike.Baca lagi

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