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  • Day 11


    May 15, 2022 in Israel ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We left Amman for the border crossing into Israel. This whole procedure was a bit of a dog's breakfast. It started with us requiring a PCR test to enter the border of Israel on Thursday night (-ve). We had A VIP transfer which kind of walked us through the Jordanian side. On the Israel side our bags were put through security screening (nothing unusual here), but it was a mass of confusion about where we were supposed to go. We discovered there was a form we were supposed to have completed prior to entry which none of our group were aware of. Fortunately someone helped us complete the forms and walked us through passport control, otherwise I think we would still be there. Then we had to have another PCR test as the one done in Jordan only 18 hours before was not accepted. Besides this, after 20th May these tests are no longer required. Could have saved us about $130 on tests.

    Our original group of 11 has dropped to 6 and we picked up 2 newbies - one from Australia and one from USA. We also discovered that Israel is really expensive after lunch (a BLT with fries and a drink) set us back around 200 sheckles or about $90.

    Anyway, we arrived in Jerusalem and I must say we were impressed. The city is clean with lovely narrow alleyways. On our walking tour today we visited the Old Town which included Temple Mount, the Wailing Wall, the street where Jesus carried the cross on the way to the crucifixion, Golgotha where he was crucified (there is a church on that spot now) and burial place. We also spoke to a Jewish Rabbi for an hour and also another person who gave us a history of Jerusalem and its politics. It was all very interesting but very tiring.
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