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  • Day 2

    Sandahiru seya

    March 26, 2023 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Unearthing More Treasures

    Our exploration of Anuradhapura continued as we made our way to Sandahiru Seya, a stupa that stood as a tribute to valiant kings of old. The stupa's serene presence, surrounded by lush greenery, seemed to invite us to reflect on the storied history of this ancient city.

    Approaching Sandahiru Seya, the gentle rustle of leaves provided a soothing backdrop to our contemplation. The stupa's pristine white dome exuded an air of tranquility, contrasting with the vibrant greenery that embraced it.

    As we circumambulated the stupa, we couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship of its design. The sense of reverence was palpable, a reminder of the kings who had once walked these very grounds. We offered our silent respects, grateful for the opportunity to connect with this symbol of both devotion and valor.

    After our visit, we returned to the heart of Anuradhapura town. The morning sun now bathed the ancient streets in golden light, casting a warm glow over the city's historic remnants. We sought out a local eatery, eager to savor a hearty breakfast that would fuel our journey.

    With satisfied appetites, we returned to our hotel to conclude our stay. After a smooth checkout, we made our way to the old town of Anuradhapura, where the echoes of history seemed to reverberate through every stone and statue. It was a poignant farewell to a city that had shared its ancient tales with us.

    As the day transitioned into afternoon, we boarded a bus bound for Kandy, the rhythmic hum of the engine carrying us away from Anuradhapura. We watched the passing scenery with a sense of gratitude for the experiences we had shared in this sacred city.

    As we journeyed back to Kandy, we carried with us the memories of Anuradhapura—the grandeur of its ancient structures, the serenity of its sacred sites, and the profound spiritual essence that permeated every corner. It was a journey that had enriched our souls, leaving us with a deeper appreciation for the enduring legacy of Sri Lanka's ancient capital.
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