
11月 2021
AWMI Conference and Volunteering at Give Kids the World 🌎 ❤ もっと詳しく
  • 2足跡
  • 1
  • 10日間
  • 18写真
  • 0動画
  • 0キロ
  • 日1


    2021年11月5日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

    Early flight starting in London to Toronto, then to Orlando. All smooth there except for a bit of turbulence during the Orlando flight. When I got to Orlando it was pouring rain, I have to admit after seeing the little bit of snow this week at home I was really hoping to walk off the plane to some sunshine, but that feels kind of petty to admit lol
    I check in to my hotel, which is cheap accommodation and you definitely get what you pay for haha... its only reasonably clean and its definitely run down, but whatever. I had to switch rooms so I could get wifi because I had no connection where the put me and work requires me to check in a bit since I'm "working" here haha...
    I had made sure I had a bit of time before my first shift at Give Kids the World Village (gktw) to make sure I could get a few groceries and settle a bit. I knew there was a Walmart just down the road so I thought that would be convenient because I did not rent a car for the trip. Its maybe a 10 min walk and its still raining, even with my umbrella I get soaked, my feet especially.
    Walmart had all kinds of small sized prepackaged snack packs that are perfect for the stupid way I eat lol so I was excited about that, will be so easy for me to pack my meals for my full days at gktw etc...
    When I get back to the hotel I tried to dry my shoes, but the hair dryer in the room didn't work lol
    When I needed to head out for my first shift it was practically monsooning so I called a cab, probably a good choice for my first trip there since it was dark already and I had never been there even though I basically knew where to go, it was likely safer this way lol
    When I got there I checked in for the 5k run the next morning and got my number, I also met a couple lovely volunteers there who offered to give me a ride to gktw in the morning for the race rather than walk in the rain, so thankful!
    My first shift was at the Once Upon a Village Party, its a pirate and princess party, very cute. I ran the pirate craft table making eye patches and treasure maps with the kids! Loved it 😁
    I chatted with some of the other volunteers as well its nice to see how many people fall in love with the place and can't stop coming back.
    I walked back to my hotel after and it is a bit of a sketchy walk at night lol there isn't sidewalk for the whole walk and its a pretty busy road, oh well I brought a flashlight lol
    Still raining of course.
    I was so cold and wet when I got back, my phone had died and the power in the room just barely charges for some reason. I was so ready to get some rest!
    Getting picked up at 5:50 in the morning 🤦‍♀️ lol

  • 日2

    Gingerbread Run

    2021年11月6日, アメリカ ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Up bright and early to catch my ride, but I barely slept 🤦‍♀️ and I cant get the shower to give me hot water lol it was at least not cold cold though.
    Got to gktw for 6am, but the run doesn't start until 730, so one of the ladies I rode in with who has been volunteering for a long time, doing the 5k every year since 2013 and in 1988 had her own wish and was one of the first to stay at gktw (all amazing) show me around the Village a bit. She took me to the 39er diner that is just for volunteers, we can leave our stuff there safely and there is lots of free food stuff around, but it is all junk lol its nice that they do that for people though!!
    After having some breakfast I had brought with me, we walked out to the start, oh yes it was still raining all this time lol
    We waited out by the start in the rain for a good half hour, but it was cool to see all the people dressed up in costumes and stuff because this is a super fun run that is made for the kids and families to enjoy, I really wish I had realized that and I totally would ha e gotten more in the spirit!
    Just as the race is about to start the rain let's up almost completely yay!! I was wet and cold lol
    When the race started I was worried about how I would do, I have never run on pavement just machines and I had only gotten to work out maybe 3 times in the last couple weeks because I was so busy. I actually think I was doing pretty good, then about halfway through my stomach decided the lack of sleep and whatnot had caught up with me and I had to run to the washroom for an emergency 🤦‍♀️😆
    After that I got right back out there, but definitely did some run walk run walk for the last half of the race.
    The route was done up so cute!! There were characters all over encouraging everyone, there was a bubble path to run through, people giving out lai's, just so much stuff to make it special!
    I finished the race! I felt pretty good about how I did, but I certainly wasn't fast!
    Everyone got a gingerbread cookie at the end of the race (I love any ginger cookie lol) and of course a "medal" 🏅
    I proudly took my photo with the gingerbread mascots at the finish lol collected my swag and bought up half of the merch at the gktw gift shop lol I needed a sweater 🤷‍♀️ plus they had Christmas ornaments lol I also wanted to get my boss a golf shirt to thank him for giving me this time.
    I walked back to the hotel, had a quick bite and had to have a little nap, which I never ever do lol I slept for about an hour and felt pretty good.
    Tomorrow is day 3 at the village and I have to do an at home covid test so I decide I will go for a walk and find a pharmacy that has them. (I had already checked Walmart and they were out)
    I stubbornly walked 5 miles before I found one, thankfully it was not raining, but it was pretty chilly and windy, once I had finally got there and found one I decided I was a little beat to walk the 5 miles back, so I called an uber haha...
    Got back to the hotel had some dinner and now I think im just going to chill for the night and organize all my stuff.
    Tomorrow is my first full day at gktw and I cannot wait 🥰