Sri Lanka & India 23/24

december 2023 - juni 2024
Et eventyr med en åben slutning af Geoff Læs mere
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  • Dag 4

    The Blue Train Kandy to Ella

    27. december 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Today is all about the Blue Train. We have to leave at 7am to get to Kandy by 10am to meet the man for the tickets. The train is due to leave at 11am and it is a 7 hour journey. We paid USD143 for tickets that should cost about USD20 but Dad didn’t want to take any chances in missing this once in a lifetime!

    Before we leave we have to return the volleyball to our new friends from Canada. Mum wrote a note so we could swap WhatsApp numbers. We wanted to get the contact for the Kerala houseboat but also we thought it might be great to swap travel stories 😊

    We made it to Kandy station with 30 minutes to spare. We had Second class reserved tickets and seeing the mass pile up in third class and the race for seats in second class unreserved we were very happy with our choice! The Blue Train is of course Red today though! Ah well, we won’t be able to create that iconic picture quite so perfectly but I am sure it will be fine!

    Gosh what an epic journey it was. We had rain and wind and sun and mist it was cold it was hot it was windows up it was windows down! The scenery was incredible - tea plantations, jungle, waterfalls and villages. We did manage to get some photos hanging out of the train which is the
    epic shot. We had thought that we would be going over the 9 arch bridge but no that is on another line just after Ella, we will go and visit it tomorrow.
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  • Dag 4

    Blue Train

    27. december 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Today is all about the Blue Train. We have to leave at 7am to get to Kandy by 10am to meet the man for the tickets. The train is due to leave at 11am and it is a 7 hour journey. We paid USD143 for tickets that should cost about USD20 but Dad didn’t want to take any chances in missing this once in a lifetime!

    Before we leave we have to return the volleyball to our new friends from Canada. Mum wrote a note so we could swap WhatsApp numbers. We wanted to get the contact for the Kerala houseboat but also we thought it might be great to swap travel stories 😊

    We made it to Kandy station with 30 minutes to spare. We had Second class reserved tickets and seeing the mass pile up in third class and the race for seats in second class unreserved we were very happy with our choice! The Blue Train is of course Red today though! Ah well, we won’t be able to create that iconic picture quite so perfectly but I am sure it will be fine!
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  • Dag 4

    Blue Train

    27. december 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Gosh what an epic journey it was. We had rain and wind and sun and mist it was cold it was hot it was windows up it was windows down! The scenery was incredible - tea plantations, jungle, waterfalls and villages. We did manage to get some photos hanging out of the train which is the
    epic shot. We had thought that we would be going over the 9 arch bridge but no that is on another line just after Ella, we will go and visit it tomorrow.
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  • Dag 5

    Ella Hotel

    28. december 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

    Our driver met us at the train station. We drove through Ella township, man it was stunning! Looking forward to exploring that tomorrow but for now we just want to get to our Hotel and find somewhere to eat. Thinking that would be a relatively straightforward thing how wrong we were! The driver drove up the hill in increasingly tight bendy corners and narrowing road until we got to a very narrow and steep side street. We got less that a ¼ the way up it when the driver aborted saying we couldn’t make it! He phoned the Hotel to come rescue us, only a tuktuk could make the rest of the journey! 10 minutes later the tuktuk man came and after one attempt he said someone had to get out and walk up the hill and round the corner as it was too steep with us all on board! Mum took the fall and after another 7 or 8 minutes of ever diminishing roads we eventually arrived at our Hotel. If I had known it was I wouldn’t have picked it!

    The Hotel staff were lovely and made us cinnamon tea while the man went back to meet our driver to collect the bags. 30 minutes later we were taken to our rooms. Stanley and Lara were very close to reception, twin double beds – perfect! Mum and Dad had to climb about 40 slippery stone stairs with not a lot of light to get to their room. We are sure the view will be amazing tomorrow when there is daylight!

    We needed dinner so we asked the man where we should go. He walked us down a small road and pointed to some stairs and said down there, 1 minute, restaurant 10m to the left. A bit like Fiji really, it was more like 5 minutes and we turned left and knocked on some poor unsuspecting families door who informed us their home was not a restaurant! They helped us find the way down more steps to the main road and sure enough there was a restaurant.

    The place was quite busy so the owner showed us to the spare tables downstairs, apologising as it was busy. We initially thought this isn’t so nice but then Mum noticed a leech on her ankle! Blood was poring out of her toes and leg and after a frantic search about 7 or 8 more scraped off her skin. Dad then discovered one on his ankle and after another frantic search another 5 or 6 blood suckers were pulled off. After chasing them around the room with our shoes stamping them to death and the waiter helping to kill them where he could we were very happy that this little show was held away from the main dining area!

    Lara and Stanley luckily did not get bitten but Dad had to pull one out of Lara’s shoe as it was trying to burrow in! We all felt very icky and decided there and then we weren’t walking back up those stairs! Our dinner conversation involved much Google searching about Sri Lankan leeches, we need long pants and leech proof socks for the rest of our Ella trip! Fortunately the food was amazing, chicken burgers for the kids, pumpkin soup for Mum and Dad took the chicken curry (someone had to eat something local!).

    We took a tuktuk home and did another frantic search for leeches when we got there. Just one on Dad so we all took showers and double checked there were none that got in. Pretty grossed out but we have a big day of fun tomorrow so we just have to harden up! Didn’t expect to be collecting that anecdote this evening!! Hopefully a better day in store tomorrow!
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  • Dag 5

    Rawana Zipline

    28. december 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

    We arranged to meet our driver at 8.15am at last nights restaurant. Plan was to do Ziplining first thing, Little Adams Peak and the Nine Arch Bridge. But it was raining lots of rain! The kids agreed we suck it up Ziplining it is!

    We met another Danish family at breakfast so it was stories of Hojland scoring his first goal for Man Utd in the Premier League as an easy connection. The Dad was delighted at this news! Breakfast was simple but hearty fruit, toast and eggs along with coffee and tea.

    We headed down the scary stairs and got a message from Aruna saying he would be there in 10 minutes, 45 minutes later…

    The zipline was up a muddy and cobbled pathway, a 25 minute walk. The zipline cost us $130 US and it was only 1 line of about 800m. Dad was not overly impressed! The kids of course wanted to do it again – no was the answer to that!
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  • Dag 5

    Nine Arch Bridge

    28. december 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

    The clouds had fully rolled in so there was no point in going up to Little Adams peak. Dad questioned everyone who had come down and they all said the same thing so we headed off to the Nine Arch Bridge.

    The Tuktuk drivers said it was a 1.5km walk so offered 2,000 rupees return. We thought we would suck it up and it turned out to be a great call as the tuktuk’s could only travel 1/3 of the way before the path became only walkable. Again lots of muddy pathway to get there but we made it – along with 100’s of other tourists!

    Was really neat being able to walk the track and get different perspectives. When it came time for the 12pm train the tourist police would blow their whistle and get everyone off the railway line. Dad and Lara sat on the bridge while the train went by trying to get the perfect selfie but is was completely ruined by some tourists putting their phones into our view to catch the train across the bridge. Boy Dad was pissed at that!

    We bought pineapple and mango off the salesman, so sweet and delicious we bought another one of each!

    The walk back up was tough going but we felt good about saving 2,000 rupees! It starting raining really hard just as we got back to the road which was a little lucky.
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  • Dag 5

    Tea Factory tour

    28. december 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    With not much else doing we thought lets do the tea factory tour. The drive out was a lots of narrow roads again but the factory was a beautiful 1940’s building built by the British. The tour was only $10 and gosh it was good value. We heard all about how tea was made and how the plants were grown and looked after. Afterwards we walked through the manufacturing plant and saw all the machines at work and the different grades of tea being split out and dried and sorted.

    Finally the tasting! Delicious! Mum had to buy some product so it was chocomint tea and green tea with jasmine.
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  • Dag 5

    Ella town

    28. december 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    We decided to finish the day by visiting the town. It was 3pm and we hadn’t had lunch. The driver recommended Dream Café as it was cheap and the food was good, and he was right! The driver took Stanley away to play pool so Mum, Dad and Lara went for a walk about town and of course found an adorable kitten to adopt! A little shopping and we were done for the day. Early night tonight, hope the weather is better tomorrow!Læs mere

  • Dag 6

    Ravana Waterfall

    29. december 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

    The weather is not better today! The rain is even more! Little Adams Peak is a no go so we head off to the Blue Water Pond Cave. With all the rain we are thinking about the flooded caves in Thailand but we set off anyway. At least it ought not to be raining inside a cave right!

    On the way is the Rawana Falls. Pretty spectacular waterfall but with all the rain the water is dirty and there is a lot of water! Just time for a quick selfie then on to the cave.
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  • Dag 6


    29. december 2023, Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

    Dad spoke to the lady to ascertain if there was a risk we were all going to die and was convinced that though it may be a bit slippery death was unlikely so we were in! It was a 600m walk into the forest to start before coming to a little camp site where we could take shelter and get our hard hats on and lights installed.

    Before we set off the guide took a moment to pray by a little monument then went over to the hole and preyed again. We looked at each other and thought with our lives prayed for we should now be sweet!

    Was pretty narrow in some of the early parts but once through that as long as we checked our footing and used our hands to help it was generally all pretty manageable. There was lots of little bugs attracted to the lights, we certainly got a few up the nose and in the mouth! Not tasty at all! Inside there were bats and we saw one spider that was so big we were too scared to take a photo of him!

    The guide was a lovely chap, explained all the rocks along the way. Such diverse colour and we had gold (wasn’t so sure about that), iron, calcium, stalactites, images of elephants and old rock drawings.

    Highlight of the trip though is the pond that sits at the bottom about 800m down. The water is usually crystal clear and it is an amazing swim. With all the rain though it was a lot higher and not swimmable so we didn’t go in. Apparently you can swim under the rock and come out into a pond on the other side when the water is lower.

    The trip back up was tougher and it certainly got hotter as we worked up a sweat. Well worth the visit.
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