  • Giorno 71

    A very wet Cambodia!

    28 aprile 2017, Cambogia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    We've made the next step in our travelling journey and left Vietnam and arrived at the capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh. Our bus left at around 8.45 to make the journey across the boarder. The journey started well as they provided water and pastries, although we didn't eat them, and played 'fantastic beasts and where to find them' at the front of the bus and although you couldn't really hear they put on English subtitles so we were able to enjoy the film. This pretty much took up all the time until we reached the boarder where we had to disembark and queue to have your passport stamp for leaving Vietnam. We boarded back on the bus and got comfortable again only to get off 2 minutes later at the entry point to purchase our visa and have fingerprints taken. There was little direction for the guy on the bus but it went better than we had expected with getting through immigration. We had a lunch break after before setting off again to the capital. This part of the journey took forever and this time they played another English film but chose Korean subtitles! Out of all the languages to go for! Finally we made it to the capital and unfortunately we were dropped at a different place than we saw on the website. We were so excited as we were meant to be being dropped a 3 minute walk from our hostel but it wasn't meant to be. Still determined we tried to find the river which our hostel was on. We were sent in a general direction continously but with no real help on how far it was, and that's when the heavens opened. We were caught in a downpour which was actually quite refreshing after the bus ride but 15 minutes later and still walking with no sign of a river it wasn't so pleasant to anymore. In the end we gave up trying to find it on our own and flagged down a tuktuk. Turns out we were going in the general direction for the river but the complete opposite way to the section where our hostel is. It felt so good to get there and then check in to probably the best room we have had so far. The hostel is lovely and modern and clean with very friendly staff. There's a great communal area so we're quite excited to be here and hopefully will meet some other travellers. After showering and getting settled we just headed out for some dinner before coming back and watching a good couple of episodes of miranda on YouTube. Such fun!Leggi altro