  • Tag 72

    So many beautiful buildings

    29. April 2017 in Kambodscha ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    We decided to have an explore on foot day today. Our hostel is situated near both a temple and the royal palace so it made sense to make the most of it. We struggled to find the first temple but after some wondering around we stumbled across it. It's quite a small temple at the top of a mound and we enjoyed exploring around the building and the grounds. By this point it was already so hot and knowing that it was going to hit 33 degrees today it was only going to get hotter. We decided at this point to get a tuktuk to the royal palace and for only a couple of dollars you can't go wrong. Unfortunately we found out it closes between 11am and 2pm so we couldn't go in yet but it did mean we got some good photos with no one else in them. We thought we'd go and have an early lunch and visit the national museum and then the palace after. The museum was in a gorgeous red building with a picturesque courtyard in the centre with 4 fish ponds. The fish would all swim towards you as we stood on the edge, leaping in and out the water to get closer to the edge. The museum had lots of things to see but was quite heavy with information on the audio guide and in the heat it was hard to keep up with it. After the museum we went back to the palace where I had to purchase a very stylish white men's Cambodia branded t shirt to wear to cover my shoulders. The woman was also saying I needed to buy trousers but I pulled my shorts right down and they were lower than most people's who were being let in so I disputed this and managed to just get the t shirt. The palace was impressive with very ornate gold patterned buildings and intricate silver monuments to past kings. There wasn't much to see despite being a large site and no information on anything so we were glad we went last thing in the day when the crowds were minimal and it was cooler in temperature. After the palace we found out there was an Aeon Mall in the city, a mall which we loved in Japan so we had to visit! We walked along the river front to get there and it took a good 40 minutes of navigating and getting lost to find it. We were both feeling quite drained but a Krispy Kreme and Starbucks later we were ready to find somewhere to have some food. The restuarant we chose seemed very reasonable but unfortunately this was reflected in the potion size but you live and learn! We took a tuktuk back to hostel and had a relaxing evening video calling Aeryn and Jen before bed. She loved showing off her new scooter!Weiterlesen