  • Tag 253

    Chapala la la

    24. Januar 2017 in Mexiko ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    After Tequila we needed a nice quiet place to rest our weary heads for a few nights. We certainly found that at Roca Azul on Lake Chapala, a sort of retirement place with semi-permanent & permanent Norte Americanos. Unfortunately Maya was sick (after eating a rotting iguana carcass...) so we had to drive an hour around the lake to a recommended vet. On the second day of doing this we managed to find a little hotel v close to the vets, managed by a lovely Kiwi & American couple who let us camp v cheaply & even use one of their rooms hot showers! In between visits to the vet we visited the beautiful lakeside tourist towns of Ajijic & Chapala all bustling with both local & gringo tourism, so we spent a few happy days drinking Margaritas eating nice food & relaxing. We even saw the Mexican version of morris dancing, which involved hurling themselves off a massive pole!Weiterlesen