  • Hari 9

    Saturday, April 14

    15 April 2018, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

    Tony (and Kathy) vs the Ants

    Another sunny day! And hot! This is what we have been waiting for! Shorts, t-shirts, and sandals! But the humidity is building! Heavy thunderstorms are being forecast for Sunday!

    But we have something else to think about right now. We are leaving for Saint Augustine today. When Tony opens the trunk to start packing, he sees that it is swarming with big brown ants. And then I notice that there are a few inside the Rialta as well! So, we have to unpack the entire trunk. Inside, I remove all the bedding, and everything that is stored in that area, and search it for ants. They are under the seats, in the storage area, on the floor. . . Tony goes to the camp store and buys some ant spray (and some new levellers for the Rialta which we've been wanting for awhile!). We spray inside and out until we are sure we have them all, then clean them up and wash everything down. This process takes at least 2 hours, and it is hot work!

    Just as we are finishing, Betty and Ben and Winnie stop by. We exchange phone numbers and email addresses. Next year, when we return, we plan to get together for some golf! Ben says Williston Crossings RV Resort is very nice.

    We drive to Saint Augustine. The highway is busier today.

    Anastasia State Park - site 64 We like this site! Book again, if,possible.

    We arrive at Anastasia State Park, check in, set up, and have lunch. Then it's off to the laundromat to wash all the bedding! We find The Laundry Room on A1A about 2 miles from the campground. It is meticulously clean, and the attendant is friendly and helpful. AND. . .there is free Wifi! AND. . .it has air conditioning! So I wash the bedding, and spend a cool, pleasant hour catching up on emails, Facebook and my blog. I try to Face Time with Matt and Val and Adalynn, but they are all napping (I find out later!) They've had a busy week!

    We walk the beach. The tide is coming in and the waves are strong. There is a new building going up near the pier, and some of the area is roped off, so our walk is shortened.

    We return to our site, have a late dinner, and spend some time reading before bed.
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