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  • Day 8

    Day 8 part 2!🇨🇿🇩🇪

    July 28, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    By this time though, we had to head back to the hotel to collect our rucksacks. On our way there we passed Lennon wall which I loooveeed and Charles bridge again. On the bridge we passed a stand with beautiful pictures of the Lennon wall and got a few for my room. My favourite kind of souvenir. ❤️
    After getting our rucksacks we went on the tram to visit the dancing house, a unique building with glass that looks like it’s twisted (I would say).
    Then we had to get on the train for a 5 hour ride to Nuremberg. On the way I slept and Lampros was looking at our next train journeys we will have to plan. We also booked our next stays and some other exciting things I’m not going to reveal!!
    Getting to Nuremberg we went to Furth where our hostel is to leave our rucksacks. Then we went into Nuremberg for something to eat and to walk around. There was a classical concert going on with a lot of people, and stands of beer and local food. We got two sausages with bread and a beer each and enjoyed the remaining of the concert. Then we headed back to the train station to go to our room and get some rest. Tomorrow is a day full of travelling so we need the batteries! Goodnight from Germany!
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