  • Dia 9

    Twisting by the Pool

    25 de agosto de 2018, Eastern Mediterranean ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    A day at sea again, ship is full of new comers, it was us last week, weather is hot hot hot

    So today the girls bit the bullet and joined the teens club, they had a table tennis tournament a water bomb fright and hang out in the “hideout” in the evening..... I think they enjoyed it however as they only communicate when it is absolutely necessary (need money a lift or food or clothes) then it is hard to know for sure.

    So we set up camp on sun beds near the pool, only 4 needed as Lillian spends the whole day in the pool. Usual day of poolside games quizzes a paella demonstration (quite nice but not as good as mine)

    In the afternoon Lillian had kids club

    So it was the last dress up night so back to the room fairly early to shower and put on all the clobber, Cheryl got to wear her wedding dress for the 3rd time ! Me looking much like James Bond the girls like looking very glam, even Maisie finishing off her outfit with trainers !

    We had booked the surf and turf restaurant on deck 11 an amazing meal of steak and lobster with enough side dishes to sink the ship, and it finished us off no deserts today !

    Lillian had spaghetti

    Anyway after a grumpy moment from me as the girls wanted to rush the rest of their dinner to get to that evenings show that night I bit my lip and and they rushed off to reserve our seats and we all made it in time for the show based on the musicals. Which was spectacular as always

    Mummy, Daddy and Lillian all in bed by just gone 10 it had been a relaxing but hot day which I think took it out of us, we don’t know what time the girls got back from their teens club but they certainly were not bright as a daisy the next morning...... sailing into the beautiful Santorini in the morning
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