  • Dia 26

    Day 25 Lake house, Ky - Harrodsburg, Ky

    20 de junho de 2019, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

    Lake House, KY - Harrodsburg, KY
    Miles - 100
    Cemeteries spotted - too many to count

    The day started off as usual. I woke up especially early. I was showered and out of the bathroom by 4:45. Again I wanted to make sure Caroline had plenty of time to get ready, Glenn was still sleeping til about 5am and then he got ready and started to get the van ready

    I had a bowl of cereal while Vela made scrambled eggs and bacon. Glenn at one point was distracted and couldn’t find his cereal bowl as he was packing. We finally found it. We were all completely ready before 7am Jeff turned the security code on the house and out we all went. We had to empty the trash, start the dishwasher and take the sheet off the bed and put the towels in the hamper.

    This was a miserable morning as it was just beginning to rain and things were damp. We were ready by 7, however, Neil did his normal morning video thing out on the porch overlooking the lake. The bikers left and then we followed after Glenn tied stuff down. He has to make sure the blue tub has everything closed and tied down with bungee cords.

    We met up with everyone at a local gas station. It was good to leave the house having had breakfast and let the cyclists have their first good ride.

    I radioed ahead to Wes to let him know it was 11 o'clock and that the next town that was on the map was just around the corner and that would be a good time to stop and have lunch. Neil had a radio interview with Kirby Anderson at 12noon. This would be perfect. Vela and Jeff were returning back from picking up Sarah who had flown in from Dallas to be a part of #ConversationsCoasttoCoast team. Then we realized we had change time zones and we were in the Eastern Daylight Standard time zone. Now it is 10 o’clock in the morning.

    Neil was a little bummed but there’s really nothing else you could do except go ahead and take it the advantage of the time in this small town. Brooks‘s general store and Restaurant. The original owner was Miss Ella Mae. She would feed people who were working at the railway station. The restaurant was loaded with old artifacts such as decorations like the inside of Cracker Barrel Restaurant. Glenn and I shared a meatloaf and mashed potatoes dinner. Neil talk to a young family. Then it was time after lunch for the Kirby Anderson Interview. And wouldn't you know it, it was 12noon and a train comes barreling down the track and blows his whistle. I never asked Neil had the interview went.

    So, here I am sitting outside this old mom and pop restaurant in a town in Kentucky I don't even know the name, and along comes two women cyclists in their mid-50s. We wave them down. They stop and introduce themselves as Lynn and Cindy. They started off in San Diego around 4 May and are traveling to Virginia. We found out that they did Route 66 and even rode on I-40. They had a couple of flats during that stretch. They do not have a large support group like Neil has. I think there’s just one couple that will go ahead and we’ll set up camp. They travel about 50 miles a day. They're camping along the way. Lynn and Cindy did not want to be interviewed yet they briefly stated they’ve had some tough recent years. I am wondering if they had experienced death, disappointments or what? that made them want to ride their bicycles across the country?

    After lunch, we continued following the cyclists through the beautiful green corn hillside one after another. The wind was blowing and the corn stocks were gently swaying in the breeze. At one point, the photographer Jon and his assistant Christine were with us in the Chuckwagon 16. Jon was sitting and had the camera rolling. He asked us some pointed questions such as what had been the most rewarding day for us and what was the most challenging day. Good question.

    Vela had connected up with the family from Northwest Bible church they happen to be vacationing or having a family reunion in the area so they had been texting Vela and knew the route that we’re going to take. At 3:00pm and a perfect time for a quick afternoon break, we roll into this small town and on the corner of the church parking lot, stands a whole family holding up posters and signs! Wow, what a greeting. Neil interviewed them and asked specific questions as to why is it important to have conversations, etc. This was the Smith family. They have been coming to Northwest for the past 4 years. They also give us pointers as to what we would be seeing on our way to Shakertown. Several large buildings that housed whiskey or bourbon.

    We continued on. The weather was great. Some rolling hills. Plenty to see. We come across an old estate of the Abraham Lincoln family. Mordecai and Lincoln‘s relatives, that was a Homestead then we eventually came to Abraham Lincoln‘s Homestead State Park. Golf course and all. This was a good place for a potty break and some more filming.

    We googled locations to eat in Harrodsburg and came up with a Mexican Casa Grande restaurant. I had a taco salad and Glenn had Fajitas. Before our meal was up, Neil started a conversation. This time it was with the owner, her husband and her father. It was just getting dark as we rolled into Shakertown. Too bad it was so late. Definitely, a neat place to visit again. On my bucket list. The men were in one house and the women in another. Very simple. But comfortable. We had all the bicycles stored in the "women's dorm"

    This was one of our longest days so far. Not getting to our place where we would spend the night until well after 9pm, and then in bed by 10pm. I realized that I had been up since 4:45am. It was a good day as for conversations and sharing. Besides the young family Neil visited with over lunch, Neil was also able to have a conversation with the owner of the restaurant for lunch and also the owner at the Casa Grande. Each of them had their own experiences and challenges. Each had their own story. I think there might have been another conversation, but its not coming to me right off. The scenery was beautiful with lots of farmlands, cattle, and open fields. I think I saw lots of corn growing and cattle grazing!

    It started off rainy but ended up with bright clear blue skies.
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