  • Dag 31

    Midtown Hotel, Phong Nha, Day 3

    19 september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Today we got up early and hopped back on a moped to do the Phong Nha Ke Bang national park loop. 65km of riding in the heat.
    Our first stop on the way is the paradise cave, and it is truly stunning. Firstly, it is cold, which after our last few days is priceless. Secondly, it is astonishing how big it is and the sculptures formed by the rocks inside are bizarre. It is a place that cannot be done justice with pictures. To be there and feel the cool air and hear the dripping off the rocks was a great experience. Everyone has said how great it is, and they weren't wrong.
    After that we rode the rest of the loop (probably another 45km) and that was also very fun. Going slowly to look at the wonderful scenery (and mostly through fear) was great. After the days spent inside during the typhoon it is great to finally get out and about and see what Phong Nha is really about (deep caves and big hills)
    We have heard that the electricity may be back on tonight so fingers crossed for air con!
    PS. 65KM DONE of crash free mopeding, I'm improving!
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