South East Asia

august 2017 - juni 2024
Et åpent eventyr av Matt and Amy's Adventure Les mer
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  • Dag 17

    Alex Hotel, Halong Bay day 1

    5. september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    On the move again today. We were considering staying for another night however, after the chaos of trying to find food on the busy streets of Hanoi last night, and settling for a supermarket ready meal complete with christmas songs, we couldn't face another day and decided to move on. After a late morning we walked to the bus station ready to struggle and find a bus to Halong Bay. Within seconds we were bundled onto a bus promising us it will take us there. We were dubious at how easy we had done it, but everything turned it well, with both of us getting there for under 2 pound each. It was another long day of travelling, and we didn't arrive in Halong until late afternoon. We checked into the hotel and finally got to feed Amy's pizza cravings, after failing last night.
    The glimpse of Halong Bay we have had is breathtaking and we are both very excited for a cruise or a day on the beach soon. We drink a few beers in the curiously empty bars and get an early night, ready to fully experience the beauty of this place in the morning.
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  • Dag 18

    Alex Hotel, Halong Bay day 2

    6. september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Our first full day in Halong and we decide to hunt for the coast. We haven't seen it yet and feel a day at the beach is definitely in order. Luckily for us we find the beach is a short walk from our hotel room, and what a beach it is. Long white sand gives way go a emerald looking sea. It feels great to finally get our bodies in some salt water. In the distance the rocks of Halong bay look sinister under thick black clouds, but the rain doesn't reach us too much. On the afternoon the sun comes out and we really start to feel like we're on holiday.
    We go to the backpacker hostel bar which is by and far the best place for food and drink we have found in the rather quiet Halong City and get ready for a ferry to Cat Ba Island tomorrow!
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  • Dag 19

    Nuom Phong, Cat Ba Island Day 1

    7. september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    After looking at the prices of the Halong Bay cruises, we decided to skip them go the biggest island of them all, Cat Ba.
    The morning started early, getting to the ferry terminal to soon find out we had to wait a couple of hours for the ferry. The wait was worth it though, as we drifted slowly past the rocks that make up this place! It was truly beautiful and unfortunately no picture we took could do them justice.
    As we arrived and were bustled onto a crammed and stuffy bus for the trip to town, we realised we had made a good choice coming here. The scenery was beautiful and mostly deserted.
    We dropped our bags off and went to the beach (which is where I am writing this). It was busier then halong with more tourists so is a lot more comfortable.
    We took the short but uphill walk to cannon fort next. Hard on the legs but great on the eyes when you reach the top. It is the old outlook posts for the Vietnam anti aircraft gunners, and offers great views of the bay and the islands that lay off it.
    After that we felt we had earned a few beers, so went to the oasis bar, which is probably the best bar we've been in veitnam, serving the best food we've eaten in vietnam. When the beer is 10,000 dong (35p) it's very hard to complain!
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  • Dag 20

    Nuom Phong, Cat Ba Island Day 2

    8. september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Our first full day in Cat Ba and we immediately decided that the only way to get around this gorgeous island is by bike. We climb back on and take it very slowly, which is kind of nice as we can take in the scenery around us.
    Our trip today is to the national park. As we get in it all looks a bit odd. There are three monkeys trapped in bare cages and a weird taxidermy building with most of the animals falling apart. But that's not why we're here. The trek we decided to go on is apparently the easy one. It's only a mile long, but the mile consists of climbing up steps and rocks through the deep, humid jungle. Wildlife runs about all around you. We see lizards, snakes, squirrels, a crab (bizarrely) but thankfully none of the spiders that live here (despite there being many big webs). It takes us about two hours to reach the top, and we are drenched. The views make it all seem worthwhile though, as we look out across Cat Ba and all its natural beauty.
    Amy doesn't look happy when I tell her there's another viewpoint a bit further up, but we make the short walk there anyway, where a rock is all you sit on as you look over the landscape from even higher up. The walk back seems a lot easier despite our legs getting wobblier by the minute. Thank God we had a moped to take us back!
    We drive straight to the beach for a cool off and to relax, unfortunately Amy has picked up 31 bites through her leggings on the walk so relaxing isn't really on the menu. We go back to the room loaded with tiger balm and go out for a meal in oasis bar again, before getting an early night, ready for a day on the seas tomorrow!
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  • Dag 21

    Nuom Phong Cat Ba Island Day 3

    9. september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Today was spent exploring the beautiful surrounding islands of Cat Ba. We got up early and headed to the office expecting a crowded reception. Luckily for us though, we had picked a day with only seven people on it. One of these people was Kev, a man whose job was to travel the world scouting activities for young kids to come and do. And boy did he talk about that. A lot.
    We set off at 8.30 and enjoyed a few hours of happy sailing past the floating villages. It's amazing to think people actually live on these places but they do, and they have very scary dogs that we were told to stay well clear of.
    Just as we were getting the hang of kayaking (as long as I was steering) the heavens opened. We hid on a beach under a rock as the rain poured down. Thunder that was so loud it sounded like a gun going off next to you shook us all as we huddled under the rock trying to stay warm.
    Finally though, after about an hour, the rain stopped and we headed back to the boat for some food. We got out again in the afternoon, as did the sun, and we spent it exploring the secret lagoons and beaches that surround Cat Ba. It was truly beautiful to sit on the calm water and listen to the wildlife and the waves.
    As we got back at around 5.30, we were tired. Amy was so tired she couldn't face going out for tea, so I went to get pizza and bought it back for her. I guess I owed her for looking after me in Ha Giang!
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  • Dag 22

    Nuom Phong Cat Ba Island Day 4

    10. september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    After a long few days trekking and kayaking on this amazing Island, we decide we need a rest day is in order. Most of the day is spent in the hotel room napping and relaxing, before a final meal and some drinks at oasis bar. Cat Ba has great, but our time here is now done, and we are ready for the journey to Minh Binh tomorrow.Les mer

  • Dag 23

    King Kong Hostel, Ninh Binh Day 1

    11. september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    So another early morning and another day of travelling. It sounds simple, get up, pay off the hotel and then get on the bus. Of course, nothing is easy over here.
    The hotel doesn't take card, so I get on a moped and frantically try and get cash. Just as I am out the heavens open again in true Vietnam style. Within minutes I'm biking through a river trying to hunt down a cash machine that works. After three attempts I find one and finally pay off the hotel. Time to leave Cat Ba.
    We get on the bus, which takes us to a boat, which takes us to a bus, which takes us to a bus. After around five hours, not a bad trip compared to our others, we arrive in Tam Coc. We immediately love it. It has the nickname Halong Bay on land, and we can see why. The huge limestone rocks that stand tall in Halong and Lan Ha are just as prominent here on land. Travelling takes it out of you though, so after a few beers and a small walk we are ready for a bed. Free breakfast in the hostel means another early morning!
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  • Dag 24

    King Kong Hostel, Ninh Binh, day 2

    12. september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    We like this place! Already we both feel like we have had a better nights sleep then we got at Cat Ba. The free breakfast is a fruity bread kind of thing that looks weird but tastes great so can't complain. After that we rent a bicycle each and head out. It's only about 9 o clock and we have a long day ahead.
    Biking through the quiet streets of Tam Coc is brilliant. The limestone rocks loom overhead as buffalos graze in the muddy water metres from us. You can be on a busy street one minute and feel like the only two people in the World the next. The Sun beats down and we are both covered in sweat as we arrive in Trang An, not really sure where we are or how we got here. An English couple point us in the direction of a boat ride and boy am i glad they did. Two and a half hours pass quickly as a poor Vietnamese lady rows us and a couple of German girls through the caves and streams of this amazing place. We duck as rocks fly by our heads as we slowly drift underneath the rocks (I only hit my head once which is good for me). We also get a glimpse of the temples that are adorned with jewels and statues (and cans of red bull??)
    It's soon mid afternoon, and as we head home we decide to stop off at Cave Mua, a breathtaking viewpoint right over Tam Coc. We climb the steps to the top of the hill, only for Amy to be attacked by a swarm of wasps. I don't know what she smelt of that day, but they certainly liked it. After a few minutes she knew it was a battle she couldn't win and we headed back, luckily for us as just as we pulled back into our hostel a storm hit. If we were minutes later we would have been drenched. It is the perfect end to a great day of exploring.
    Some much needed relaxation time is taken before we go to a bar for some food. The bar is playing songs from Frozen mixed with Taylor Swift and James Blunt so Amy, and secretly me, love it.
    It's now 8 o clock and after seven hours of biking, trekking and rowing in the Vietnam sun, we are definitely ready for a quiet night, and a bit of air con!
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  • Dag 25

    King Kong Hostel, Tam Coc, Day 3

    13. september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Another early morning and another bizarre breakfast or sticky, sweet bread. Today followed much of the same stuff as yesterday. There is so much to explore here in such close proximity that we get on the bikes again (despite the bum pain) and set off exploring.
    Firstly we go to temple that has three small pagoda built up a mountain. The temperature seems to be higher then yesterday and the climbing is tough, but the views of the goods and the buildings on the way is great. Add to that the dark cave full of screaming bats you have to make your way through and it all makes for a memorable morning!
    After that we explore the area, slowly riding whichever way we decide to turn. We end up going down a small dirt road which offers great views through the rocks.
    Dinner is at Chookies bar (again) and the tofu rolls taste just as amazing as the first time. We decide to spend the afternoon exploring the same route we did yesterday, but heading a bit further off the beaten track. It takes us down another dirt road through small villages that sit nestled between the giant rocks snugly. It is truly a beautiful place to ride through.
    We get back mid afternoon and succumb to whay I remember is our first afternoon nap. The riding and heat has exhausted us there last few days!
    To end the night, we go the Tam Coc pub which serves good cheap beer and some good veggie noodles for Amy.
    Thank God we did so we during the day, as the storm during the night makes sleeping very hard. The thunder sounds like it is in the room with you, and we spend a few minutes placing towels strategically under the windows to stop the leaking. All in all another rather eventful, and very tiring, day in Tam Coc.
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  • Dag 26

    King Kong Hostel, Tam Coc, Day 4

    14. september 2017, Vietnam ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    A quieter day today. After checking out of the hotel at eleven we have a ten hour wait for our sleeper bus. Luckily, the hotel manager lends us some bikes for free so we can go for a morning ride. After spending a few hours doing our final bits of exploring around this beautiful place, we go back and sit in the reception and relax for the rest of the day. The manager also gives me a copy of Anna Karenina to start so I read that. It's nice to relax after the last few days. 35 minutes left until the bus arrives! Wish us luck!Les mer