Parental Leave Trip

February - June 2024
An open-ended adventure by Matthew & Laura Read more
Currently traveling
  • 92footprints
  • 5countries
  • 140days
  • 994photos
  • 45videos
  • 39.6kkilometers
  • 26.1kkilometers
  • Day 33

    Snorkeling trip

    March 11 in Cook Islands ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Half day boat charter with Wet and Wild today. The driver QJ (Quentin Junior) was really nice and took us to his favourite spots. First we swam with Giant Trevally fish - they were huge dark grey/black fish that could swim so fast! He fed them a bit so we could see them thrash around at the surface. Rosie was so brave and went in to swim with them with Matt without seeming at all nervous. And she managed to climb in and out of the boat down the ladder with hardly any help.
    Poppy was very sleepy and chilled so QJ gave her a cuddle whilst I went in as well.
    We went to another spot afterwards which had giant clams - even bigger than the ones we saw in Rarotonga!
    And there were some beautiful corals there with all sorts of different fish I hadn't seen before.
    Poppy had a sleep and Rosie had another swim which kept her entertained. They brought us a drinking coconut for the boat which was deliciously sweet and so refreshing.
    Last stop was One Foot Island where Rosie and I had a play in the sea and we had a bit to eat and a quick explore. Rosie said she wanted to stay there "all the night". It was idyllic.
    Spent the afternoon at the beach near the airport. The tide was so low that Rosie could walk alongside us and look right into the corals and see the reef fish, blue starfish, sea slugs and ragworm (?) up close. Poppy came in for a dip too :)
    Early dinner and Rosie fell asleep at the table as soon as she finished!
    Poppy was very vocal tonight and spent most of the time chewing Matt's watch - I think she's teething at the moment. Her eye seems lots better today.
    Lagoon cruise and beach BBQ tomorrow and on Wednesday I have a massage booked!
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  • Day 34

    One Foot Island

    March 12 in Cook Islands ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Lagoon cruise today with a stop off at one of the Motus where they used to land seaplanes to refuel. Stopped for snorkeling to see the giant clams too. Rosie didn't seem bothered at all that the water was choppy today. A delicious BBQ fish lunch on One Foot Island (although Rosie fell off her chair and banged her head! Luckily it's just a scratch and small bruise). Lots of time to explore the island so Poppy and I went to explore and came across idyllic beaches and a red tailed tropic bird, whilst Matt and Rosie played in the sea.
    Pizza at home and a beautiful sunset despite all the clouds. Lots of rain and wind tonight. We found a baby chick on our porch which Rosie fell in love with and was very concerned about whether his mummy would find him!
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  • Day 35

    Massages and Monkeying Around

    March 13 in Cook Islands ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

    Lots of rain this morning so Matt and Rosie played in the pool at our house.
    I had a remedial massage at a local hotel spa which was sooo nice! So nice in fact that I booked Matt the same for the afternoon.
    Lunch at Koru cafe - think that might be our favourite cafe as the staff are so nice and the food is yummy!
    Went to Ootu Beach after lunch as the water was a bit calmer there. The girls loved playing in the sea. It was really nice to have a splash around with them both.
    Matt had his massage in the afternoon whilst the girls and I played at the house.
    Dinner out then a sunset pudding at home :)
    Last full day on Aitutaki tomorrow. I wasn't sure about it here at first as I really loved our set up at Muri Beach in Rarotonga, but I'm starting to get used to the more chilled pace of life and the quietness here.
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  • Day 39

    First night in the camper!

    March 17 in New Zealand ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Arrived at Auckland last night. Rosie was very tired as it was past her bedtime. We didn't realise we had to do an arrivals form as well as visa so it took a bit longer to get through the airport than we'd have liked!
    Stayed at the airport Novotel and had room service before bed. Lots of the staff were admiring Poppy at breakfast and saying how gorgeous she is ❤️
    Headed off to collect our campervan from Maui after breakfast. We were all really excited to pick it up and get on the road! After eventually working out how to cross a road .... (no footpaths so had to get shuttle buses to go about 1km) We made it to Maui campers and picked up our van. It does look big compared to some of the others but inside it seems about right. We've stocked the cupboards and had our first van dinner. Just getting the girls ready for bed now. Hopefully they'll sleep ok!
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  • Day 40

    Hanging out at Orere

    March 18 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Had a chilled out day at the campsite and at Orere Point today. I went for a run after breakfast. Saw quite a few fishing boats hooked up to old tractors as well as amazing views of the Beach Reserve which would probably have been too far to go with Rosie. Matt took the girls for a walk to the river and park and then to the beach. Started off pretty cold this morning with Rosie in wellies and by 10am it was bright sunshine and very warm! On off with clouds and sunshine today, seems like typical NZ weather.
    Had a BBQ at the campsite for lunch. Played with a kids rugby ball from reception after which Rosie loved. She laughed so much at chasing us to try and get it!
    Then Matt went for a run whilst we played in the park and did some mini golf.
    Poppy has been so sweet and happy today. Lots of smiles and bababa type noises at us. Think she likes the cooler weather!
    Rosie was very tired by the evening and wanted "all my family" to come for a nap around 4.30pm!
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  • Day 41

    Highway 25 and Hot Water Beach

    March 19 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    Poppy was up early so she came into the mezzanine bed with us. She was so cute and cuddly. Packed up the camper to drive to Thames and then on to Coromandel and finally Hot Water Beach Top 10 holiday park.
    Picked up a balance bike and helmet for Rosie on the way.
    Some beautiful views of the Firth of Thames as we drove up the coast to Coromandel. Some quite steep climbs and bendy roads but the camper managed it well. The girls did great for most of the drive but it was about 3hrs in total and I think they were both pretty sick of driving by the end!
    Arrived at the campsite in time for a quick play on the 'bouncing pillow' trampoline.
    Got fish and chips from the campsite and headed down to Hot Water Beach with Rosie on her new bike. She was a very happy girl :)
    Found some of the hot water springs and paddled our feet in the pools.
    Lots more people here and families too. Looking forward to exploring all the activities tomorrow.
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  • Day 43

    Mercury Bay Glass Bottom Boat Tour

    March 21 in New Zealand ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Woken up this morning with Rosie at the bottom of our ladder saying "Mummy and Daddy, Poppy has done lots of stinky farts and a poo poo in my bed". She was right! Poppy looked very happy about it all. Luckily it stayed in her nappy!
    Did a glass bottom boat tour of Mercury Bay today, heading out from Whitianga Wharf. Stopped to look at Lonely Bay beach (very beautiful) and Cooks Beach (not quite as beautiful) as well as the dramatic white Shakespeare Cliff also named by Captain Cook.
    We took a look at Cathedral Cove which has stunning rock formations and you can currently only get to it by sea as the footpath got damaged in a cyclone.
    Next up we went into NZ's second largest sea cave, Oria Sea Cave. Both Rosie and Poppy were asleep by then, despite the noise of the engine and driving through chop.
    We stopped at various points in the marine reserve to take a look at what was there. Mainly snapper but a few other species too. Think we've been spoilt by seeing lots of tropical fish in the South Pacific!
    The boat was a great way to see some of the top sites and get a sense of the area. Had a lovely lunch at Whitianga and a play on the pirate ship in the park before heading off.
    Matt had a quick kite on the beach up the road whilst Poppy napped and Rosie did some writing and cutting with me. After a food shop I had a run along Hot Water beach and Matt took Rosie on the go karts at the campsite. Rosie was really helpful this afternoon and fed Poppy her dinner as well as got them both ready for bed!
    Poppy loved her dinner and gobbled up the sweet potato and banana puree.
    We're checking out of the holiday park tomorrow to find a freedom camping spot down the coast. Will be nice to camp up somewhere with a nice view and be a bit more off grid.
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  • Day 44–45

    Tuapiro Reserve

    March 22 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    We stayed at a site with hot springs yesterday, Rosie loved it and spent hours swimming! We then drove around 5 miles to a freedom camp at Tuapiro reserve which is beautiful, no houses, old growth forest and amazing estuary! I had a go at fishing at low tide and caught my first snapper and kahawi plus saw sting Ray. Definitely our favourite spot so far 👌Read more

  • Day 47

    Fergusson Park and Kulim Park

    March 25 in New Zealand ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Beautiful sunrise over the water this morning. I went for a quick run after breakfast through Tuapiro reserve. Matt took Rosie on her bike with Poppy in the sling, and did a bit of fishing at the end of the reserve. No luck today sadly, maybe next time when the tide is right. Rosie loved helping with setting up the rod nevertheless.
    Drove over to Fergusson Park for Matt to go for a kite but the wind was on and off so not a great session. Rosie and I had fun playing in the park though. She spent most of the time pretending to drive the 'boat'.
    Next on to Kulim Park to stay in the freedom camping spots here for the night. There's a great park for kids here, cute little beach facing Mount Maunganui (with a beach toy library!) and trail for Rosie to ride her bike on. Loads of kids playing which was nice to see. And a big group having a BBQ on the public BBQs for someone's birthday. Full moon tonight and at sunset a lady set up her sax and speakers at the end of the pier and played some classics. Rosie and Poppy had a little dance together before bed.
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  • Day 48

    Mount Maunganui

    March 26 in New Zealand ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Matt and Rosie had a coffee and watched the sunrise together this morning. And played in the park with Rosie still in her PJs.
    Drove over to Mount Maunganui and explored Motoriki Island. Matt went fishing and Rosie, Poppy and I played nearby then walked around the island. Poppy happily watched Rosie walking along with 'baby' on her front in my adapted hoodie sling.
    I ran up the Mount which is right next to our campsite. Amazing views of the Bay of Plenty. Cool to be able to see our campervan from the top and what a nice location it is.
    Rosie read to Poppy a few times today which Poppy seemed to really enjoy. Matt did our BBQ dinner using the campsite BBQ. Nice to have a bit more space to cook and eat than in the camper!
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