Work&Travel in Australia

October 2023 - May 2024
AussieAussieAussie OyOyOy🦘🐨☀️ Read more
Currently traveling
  • 5footprints
  • 1countries
  • 221days
  • 63photos
  • 6videos
  • 744kilometers
  • Day 2

    Bunk Brisbane

    October 6, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Alright, I know, I havent posted in AGES, sorry about that! I´ve even written a couple posts but I didn´t post them because there is one New Zealand footprint that I wanted to post before. And that hasnt even happened yet, I know its a bit stupid. So now theres gonna be a whole flood of footprints and information, so I better get on with it. Alright, here we go:

    G'day ma mates,

    I cannot belive its been 2 whole months already, that I've spent in sunnysunny Australia! There's a lot to catch up on, so let's go! Uh, no, wait, before I get into it, there's gonna be one more footprint about my last few months in New Zealand, but getting the pictures for it ready is still a work in progress, so thats gonna be up in a couple of weeks probably. But now: Australia! Where do I begin?

    Maybe I should clarify that I was pretty much scared shitless of the Australian snakes and spiders and all the other deadly wildlife. So after getting off my flight, that I spent talking to a cool maori guy, I tried to find my way to the hostel in the middle of the night, looking out for any animal that could be in the air on the streets, in the trees, bushes, you get the gist... 😂 As it turns out though, you DO NOT SEE POISONOUS SPIDERS DANGLING FROM EVERY BRANCH AND SNAKES SIZZLING OVER EVERY OUNZE OF GROUND😂😂😂 I have seen one snake (a harmless treesnake that crossed my path and let me have the right of way) and a few funky spiders but it's honestly no big deal. So if you hear horror storys of Australia, it's either about stuff that happens in the north or in the bush/countryside or the freaky stuff that can happen anywhere but that is rather rare.
    You just keep a lazy eye out and don't go waltzing through trees and the bush barefoot and in short clothes. Just respect nature and it's wildlife and you're pretty much on the safe side😂

    So Brisbane got a bit boring after the first few days, although it was very interesting having this massive change from New Zealand 'cities' and wildlife to Australian CITIES and WILDlife haha. White cockatoos flying around alone and in huge groups. Lorikeets screeching in the trees, wild turkeys roaming the streets of the big cities and African sacred ibisisesis - what's the plural of ibis?!? - flying and sitting and nesting eve-ry-where! So many funky birds, that's probably what I love most about Australia, the wildlife and especially the birds❤️

    Not much more to say about Brisbane, soooo off to the next footprint ;)
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  • Day 4

    My Life With Horses (LIMITED)

    October 8, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    G´day everybody,

    Its been quite a while since this happend. I´m writing about this 5 months too late but I´ll try to get my grey braincells to remember most of it.

    So after my first couple days in Brisbane I moved on to the ex-racehorse-farm (Life With Horses Limited) near Mount Samson, where I found some work for accomodation and food for two weeks. It turned out to not really be my cup of tea. Well, for one I had to get up at 7 O´CLOCK IN THE MORNING, which, no! The people were not really that nice, or maybe a bit fake nice, it kind of fit into my stereotypes against people with horses. Obviously not saying everyone is like that! But I feel like often, having horses, having these huge and beautiful creatures under ones control, gives some people a massive feeling of power and control and I think sometimes its connected to an superiority complex. Alright this might be a bit of a strong theory but I think there is something real there. Not with everyone that loves horses, but with quite some.
    Anywayyys I didnt get along that well with the owners and the other girl that worked there, and I also made some mistakes when it came to mixing together the horse food. And after a week the owner was like, I´m sorry but we feel like its not working out, we´d like you gone tomorrow or today. Kind of fair but also kind of rude since they didnt keep to the guidlines of the platform (workaway) through which we organized this. We had to work more then 5 hours a day sometimes and we also had to work in the morning and evening of one of our two free days. On top of that we had some canned food but only 25 AUD per person per week to get vegetables, meat and other fresh products, which is seriously not alright. Working more then 25 hours a week and then not even getting enough fresh food is just not acceptable.
    But, in the end, it was good to experience that. Getting fired was obviously my fault and it showed me what I need to work on to be able to do and survive future jobs. Although it turned out I havent had learned my lesson by then but thats another story for later...

    There was a couple cool things that happened though! I saw my first Kanguroooo. Just chilled with him, stalking him a bit, I was quite close. Just like 10 metres apart. Funny creatures. I swear, god was getting a bit uncreative and took the head of a dear and stacked it on top of a weird muscely animal body. And thats how the Roos were made.

    I also loved hanging out with the horses and giving them some scratches, they are really fucking beautiful and majestic, its fascinating.

    On my free day I went to the Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane, was a very good time. Beautiful seeing all those crazy animals that make up Australias fascinating wildlife. Im gonna miss that so much once I get back to Germany. Because how boring is that? No colorful lorikeets, no deadly poisonous sea and land creatures and not even some of those weird geckos that crawl across every outside wall at night, screeching like a lost bird. How did I ever live a life without that???

    However, after getting kicked out from my job at the firm - it really was LIMITED after all höhö - I went back to Brisbane and then on to the Gold Coast and Surfers Paradise. So on we go with life and history...

    So long...
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  • Day 210

    Goodbye Australia

    May 1 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    So this really is goodbye then. Once more Im sitting on an airport writing my footprint and this time I dont only have to say goodbye to one beautiful country, but also my time as a backpacker, as solo traveller, adventurer. For now at least. Its goodbye to the Rainforest and the Pacific Ocean. Goodbye to Coockatoos and Lorikeets, to brown snakes and golden orb weavers, to dolphins and sharks and turtles and the great barrier reef. I have to say goodbye to Port Macquarie, to the Beachside Backpackers, which has overtaken Raglan as my second home. But most importantly, I have to say goodbye to all the beautiful and amazing people I have met there and the happy happy times I have had with them.
    That was by far the hardest part.
    But I am trying to stay positive. And I kind of am, at least half of me... I really am looking forward to seeing my family again, I really really am! And that thought makes me wanna get on that stupid flight already. But the sadness is still there and maybe it´ll will just stay with me, and maybe not. I have had the best time of my life here in Australia, in Port Macquarie at Beachside Backpackers, on the sofas. at the pool table, on the floor, in the beanbags, at the beach, in the bouldering hall. So many places, so many memories. And I intent to burn them into my brain and the back of my eyes as much and hard as I can. So I never forget the places, the faces, the moments, and the warmth. I never want to forget that warmth...

    Ill probably be updating more footprints of my time in `stralia later. More for myself then anything else. For everyone that might have been waiting for them: Im sorry, but I was simply to busy beeing happy!

    To many, many more adventures,
    So long...
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