  • Dzień 1

    Etappe 1 - Leymen to Saumur

    7 października 2017, Francja ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    After having travelled to Canada, Japan and Singapore, it's time for us to discover places in Europe. In order to choose a place to go, we made a list of what the place should offer. I wanted to go somewhere near the sea, to take pictures of lighthouses and having nice coastal lines. Sylvie also wanted to enjoy nice food and wine and being able to bring the bikes with us. So, after a short reserach, we found the perfect place: BRETAGNE!

    As we took our Bikes and my whole camera equipment, airplane was out of the question. So, we decided to use the car, which not only gave us the flexibility to stop where and when we wanted, but also lets us cross France and visiting places on the way, which I've never visited before.

    After an early start, we arrived in Orléans just before lunch time. Around the river Loire we visited the castle Chambord, one of the biggest castles in the area. Apparently built for king François 1st, he stayed there only 72 nights in 32 years. The night we stayed in Saumur, a little cute town on the river Loire.
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