9-дневное приключение от Lars Читать далее
  • 17следов
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  • 12морские мили
  • День 5

    Mykines - Puffin Island

    17 мая 2023 г., Фарерские острова ⋅ 🌬 9 °C

    Today, our journey took us to the renowned island of Mykines, often referred to as Puffin Island due to its abundant population of these charming seabirds. However, unlike the smooth boat ride we had enjoyed yesterday, today's voyage was a different story. The winds were fierce, and the waves crashed against the boat, challenging our journey.
    Despite the challenging conditions, we were determined to reach the island. The anticipation of seeing the puffins up close and capturing their playful antics through our lenses fueled our determination. With each wave that rocked the boat, we held on tightly, knowing that the reward would be worth the bumpy ride.
    Arriving on Mykines, we were greeted by a scene teeming with puffins. The little birds dotted the cliffs and grassy slopes, their colorful beaks contrasting against the backdrop of the dramatic coastline. However, the weather had other plans for us. Rain poured down relentlessly, and the wind howled, creating a difficult environment for photography.
    Undeterred, we donned our trusty waterproof gear and ventured out in search of the perfect shot. It was a challenging task, as the elements seemed to conspire against us. Raindrops pelted our cameras, and the gusts of wind made it difficult to steady our hands. The puffins, aware of the inclement weather, sought shelter in their burrows, making it harder to capture their delightful presence.
    Realizing that the weather wasn't going to relent anytime soon, we decided to take a break and seek refuge in a cozy coffee shop. As we warmed ourselves with hot drinks and indulged in local cake, we watched the rain batter against the windows, hoping for a change in the weather.
    Miraculously, the rain subsided, although heavy fog hung in the air. Embracing this window of opportunity, we ventured back outside. The ethereal atmosphere created by the fog added a sense of mystery to the landscape. And there they were, the puffins, emerging from their hiding spots, seemingly unaffected by the fog and mist.
    With renewed energy and determination, we carefully maneuvered through the damp terrain, capturing shots of puffins perched on rocky ledges and diving into the sea for their catch. The fog lent an air of enchantment to the scene, allowing us to capture unique and atmospheric photographs.
    As the day drew to a close, we reluctantly made our way back to the boat, prepared for another adventurous journey through the stormy seas. The waves crashed against the vessel, tossing it from side to side. It was a thrilling and somewhat nerve-wracking experience, but we held onto the memory of the remarkable puffins we had encountered, their resilience echoing the spirit of these islands.
    Arriving back at the hotel, weary but content, we reflected on the day's events. Despite the challenging weather, we had managed to capture the essence of Mykines and its beloved puffins. It was a reminder that nature doesn't always adhere to our plans, but it rewards us with unexpected moments of beauty and resilience.
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  • День 6


    18 мая 2023 г., Фарерские острова ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

    Another day in the Faroe Islands greeted us with a familiar sight – rain and no sign of a sunrise. Disappointed but undeterred, we turned our attention to a different aspect of photography: the art of post-processing and photo editing. Our guide, recognizing the opportunity to enhance our skills, provided us with a lesson on transforming our raw captures into stunning works of art.

    Equipped with newfound knowledge and a renewed enthusiasm, we eagerly awaited a break in the weather. As evening approached, the rain finally subsided, allowing us to venture out for a much-anticipated photo shoot. Our destination: Klakkur, a prominent peak that promised breathtaking panoramic views.

    A short drive led us to the starting point of our hike. As we began our ascent, we were met with strong gusts of wind, adding an extra challenge to the already rugged terrain. But as photographers, we were no strangers to overcoming obstacles in pursuit of the perfect shot.

    With every step, the anticipation grew, and our determination carried us forward. The winds whipped around us, making it difficult to maintain our balance, but we pressed on. The promise of an incredible vista awaited us at the summit, urging us to persevere.

    And then, we reached the top. The panoramic view that unfolded before our eyes was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The rolling hills, dramatic cliffs, and expansive sea painted a breathtaking canvas. The interplay of light and shadow, amplified by the shifting clouds and sporadic bursts of sunshine, created a scene of sublime beauty.

    With cameras in hand, we captured the essence of Klakkur. Each click of the shutter froze a moment in time, preserving the grandeur and drama of the landscape. The wind continued to buffet us, serving as a reminder of the untamed nature of the Faroe Islands, but we embraced it, knowing that it added a touch of authenticity to our photographs.

    As the rainclouds began to gather once again, threatening to dampen our spirits, we made the wise decision to descend from the peak. The journey back to the hotel was accompanied by the pitter-patter of raindrops, a familiar melody that seemed to follow us throughout our time in the Faroe.
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  • День 7

    Slave Cliff - Illusionen Lake

    19 мая 2023 г., Фарерские острова ⋅ 🌬 9 °C

    On our final day with the group, the familiar sound of rain greeted us once again. Undeterred by the weather, we gathered for breakfast and prepared for one last adventure together. Our destination: the Slave Cliff, also known as Illusionen Lake, a place renowned for its spectacular beauty.

    A one-hour hike led us through the misty landscapes, the raindrops adding a rhythmic soundtrack to our journey. As we trekked closer to our destination, anticipation grew, fueled by the stories we had heard of the stunning cliffs and the mystical illusion of the floating lake.

    And then, we arrived. Standing at the edge of the towering cliffs, we were instantly captivated by the sight that unfolded before us. The crashing waves, relentless and powerful, contrasted against the ethereal beauty of the Illusionen Lake. It appeared as if the lake floated above the vast expanse of the ocean, a breathtaking sight that seemed almost otherworldly.

    Fortunately, the rain momentarily relented, offering us a precious window of opportunity to capture the dramatic scene before us. Cameras in hand, we carefully composed our shots, attempting to capture the essence of the place. The combination of the rugged cliffs, the foaming waves, and the seemingly suspended lake created an atmosphere of raw power and tranquility.

    The dramatic lighting and the interplay between land, sea, and sky added a touch of magic to our photographs, transforming them into visual stories of awe and wonder.
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  • День 7

    Trollkonufingur - Witches Finger

    19 мая 2023 г., Фарерские острова ⋅ 🌬 9 °C

    With our photography workshop coming to a close, we embarked on a short drive to our final stop before returning to the hotel – Trollkonufingur, also known as the Witches Finger. This unique rock formation, jutting out from the coastline, held an air of mystique and intrigue.

    As we arrived at the site, we marveled at the sight before us. The Witches Finger stood tall, its weathered surface telling stories of ancient legends and folklore. The waves crashed against the rugged cliffs, adding a dramatic backdrop to the scene.

    With cameras in hand, we carefully composed our shots, aiming to capture the essence and grandeur of this natural wonder. The juxtaposition of the rock formation against the vastness of the ocean created a sense of awe and fascination.

    With a sense of fulfillment and gratitude, we bid farewell to Trollkonufingur, knowing that the memories and photographs we had collected would serve as a lasting reminder of the beauty we had witnessed
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  • День 8

    Kallur Lighthouse

    20 мая 2023 г., Фарерские острова ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Once we bid farewell to our tour group and guides, Michael and I embarked on the next chapter of our Faroe Islands adventure. We hopped into our rental car and made our way to Klaksvik, a picturesque town located on the island of Borðoy. There, we eagerly boarded the ferry that would transport us to the island of Kalsoy, known for its dramatic landscapes and charming villages.

    As the ferry glided across the shimmering waters, we couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for what lay ahead.

    Upon arriving in Kalsoy, we set off on the narrow winding roads, relishing the freedom of exploring at our own pace. Our destination was the small village of Trøllanes, tucked away on the northernmost tip of the island. The drive itself was an adventure, with breathtaking views at every turn and sheep dotting the emerald-green hillsides.

    After a short hike, our anticipation peaked as we arrived at our ultimate destination – the Kallur Lighthouse. Perched precariously on the edge of towering cliffs, it stood as a sentinel, guarding the rugged coastline and offering unobstructed panoramic views of the surrounding fjords and mountains.

    But there was more to this location than meets the eye. As we explored the area, we stumbled upon the "grave" of James Bond, a nod to the filming of the movie "No Time to Die" on the Faroe Islands.

    With cameras in hand, we immersed ourselves in the enchanting landscape, capturing the essence of Kalsoy's beauty. The jagged cliffs and the dramatic skies created a visual symphony that spoke to the untamed spirit of the Faroe Islands.
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  • День 8


    20 мая 2023 г., Фарерские острова ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    Before heading back to the ferry terminal, we found ourselves in the charming village of Mikladalur, a place steeped in history and dotted with colorful houses.

    One particular attraction caught our attention—the iconic statue of the Seal Woman. This sculpture, crafted by artist Hans Pauli Olsen, depicted a mythical creature from Faroese folklore. The statue stood majestically on the shores of Mikladalur, gazing out at the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean.

    As we strolled through the village, we couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia and appreciation for the simplicity and authenticity of Faroese life. The tranquil atmosphere and the genuine warmth of the locals resonated deeply within us.

    Eventually, it was time to make our way back to the ferry terminal. However, upon arrival, we realized that the limited capacity of the ferry meant we were unable to board the next scheduled departure. Instead, we found ourselves with an unexpected hour-long wait.

    Rather than letting this delay dampen our spirits, we saw it as an opportunity to reflect on our journey and savor the memories we had created. I opened my travel journal, eager to capture the vivid moments and emotions that had unfolded throughout our time on the Faroe Islands.
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  • День 9

    Last sunset and sunrise

    21 мая 2023 г., Фарерские острова ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

    As the final evening on the Faroe Islands approached, we held onto a glimmer of hope for a breathtaking sunset. However, the ever-unpredictable weather had different plans for us once again. Clouds filled the sky, obscuring the vibrant colors we had longed to capture.

    Undeterred, we embraced the moody atmosphere and continued our quest to document the beauty of this remarkable land. Though the sunset eluded us, we seized the opportunity to capture the unique charm of the Faroe Islands under cloudy skies. The soft, diffused light added a touch of mystery and etherealness to our photographs.

    As we packed our camera gear and prepared for an early rise the next day, a tinge of sadness washed over us. Our time on the Faroe Islands had been nothing short of extraordinary—a week filled with adventure, exploration, and a deep connection to the raw wilderness that surrounded us.

    Before bidding farewell to this magical place, we embarked on a final photographic journey. Each click of the shutter served as a testament to the memories we had created and the beauty we had witnessed.

    With each passing moment, the realization that our Faroe Islands adventure was coming to an end grew stronger. We were filled with a mix of gratitude, nostalgia, and a longing to hold onto the untamed spirit that had captivated us throughout our journey.

    As we reluctantly made our way to the airport, we carried with us a trove of photographs and a heart overflowing with memories. The Faroe Islands had etched its indelible mark upon us, and we knew that this experience would forever shape our perspective on the world
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