  • Gün 370


    4 Nisan 2018, Zambiya ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Here we went to the South Luwanga National Park, it was for another game drive. The camp site was nice with the pool over looking a water hole with countless numbers of hippos. We went on a night game drive here, more for the experience and we didn't expect to see many animals!
    We watched the sunset in the pool over the river with the hippos and then went off on our night Safari. We didn't get far, I'm not sure our driver had much experience driving a 4x4 and he loved trying to get through the muddiest parts of the wasn't long before we got stuck. Our driver thought the best way to get out was to rev the engine and spin the wheels continuously until we were grounded!! With no phone reception had to wait half an hour for someone to find us and tow us out. After this slight inconvenience, the rest of the game we managed to see lots of animals, Leopards, hippos, antelope, elephants, zebras as well as some kind of bird that managed to fly inside our pickup flapping around for about 5 minutes. All the girls screams probably scared the rest of the animals away because we didn't see anything else. However, we all enjoyed the experience, getting stuck being the funniest thing.
    We got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, only to find a hippo chilling about 10 meters away from us, pretty scary after being told they are the animals that cause the most human deaths in Africa!
    We spent the next day chilling by the pool overlooking the water hole and then we headed towards the Victoria falls!
    Okumaya devam et