  • Dag 17

    Maasi Mara Game Drive

    21. desember 2019, Kenya ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Today I set off on the game drive with fairly low expectations of seeing animals and it was pouring down with rain. However the rain soon passed and we were lucky enough to see so many animals including lions, cheetahs and leopards.

    We watched a cheetah hunting an antelope which was such an amazing experience watching how they prowl to get closer to the animal. We watched intensely for quite a while then saw him go in for the kill. Lucky for the antelope it managed to escape and I felt satisfied just being able to watch.

    We then also found 2 female lions on the hunt and they came across a family of wart hogs. They too had several attempts at catching them but were unsuccessful.

    A group of us left the game park straight from lunch so that we could visit the Maasi Mara village. On the way out we get super lucky spotting a leopard which proceeded to move towards us and even crossed over the road right in front of us. Such an awesome experience to see so close up. We had hoped for the leopard to climb a nearby tree but he walked past it and then all of the other trucks arrived so we left.

    The Maasi village was quite a funny experience. We arrived to various dances which we participated in and was really funny. We watched the guys have a jumping contest which they do to attract their girlfriends with the highest jumper getting the girl.

    We proceeded into the village which was full of cow dung (not great ground conditions in my sandals!!!) and was taken into one of their homes which was tiny and extremely basic. We then entered the market which had a stall for each family and of course we bought lots of things we didn't need but we did manage to get a lovely Maasi blanket. I did a negotiation writing our offer on one of their arms and ended up paying 50USD. Following that we visited the blacksmith then had some pics with the chief who was 95 years old!

    This was definitely one of my favourite days so far 😁
    Les mer