Headed to the airport!

Maggie is driving us to the Houston airport to catch our flight to Singapore!
Maggie is driving us to the Houston airport to catch our flight to Singapore!
We made it to the airport and met up with a couple that will be traveling with us! Now to wait for boarding time 😁
After killing time in the airport we are about to take off to Manchester, England for a refuel and take on more passengers.
Changi airport is amazing! We plan to spend the day here next week before we fly to Sydney so we are about to head out into the city!
Had to get off, go back through security then back on the plane. And it felt like security was across the airport from the plane. What a mess 😬 On the move again, headed to Singapore!
Visiting Ruben & Christine at their hotel. This place is niiiice! Can see Spectrum of the Seas that we will be cruising on soon and also Garden by the Bay. Just beautiful but soooo humid here.
Back at our hotel after sightseeing and lunch. Time for a shower and nap seeing as how it’s waaaaay past our bedtime back home! Boy, it’s hot here on the equator!
Watched the amazing light show here, so very cool! We plan to come back and walk the skyway up in the trees 🤍
Hawker market, time to nom! 🥟🍜🍤🍚🍲🍺
Traveler Ron looks SOOO excited
Traveler He just loves that I take so many pics 🤣
Why is Ron in the back? [Jenn]
Traveler He has work to do on the way to the airport. But now he’s taking a nap 🤣
Traveler Enjoy