Camp 10 Gibraltar

Tonight’s camp Gibraltar or near enough parked up, in the marina in Spain walking Into uk tomorrow, found a Morrisons so we can get some chicken gravy granules, she forgot, and beef gravy doesn’tEn savoir plus
Tonight’s camp Gibraltar or near enough parked up, in the marina in Spain walking Into uk tomorrow, found a Morrisons so we can get some chicken gravy granules, she forgot, and beef gravy doesn’tEn savoir plus
Set off for the hills from Gibraltar but was cool and windy and since we could see a very sunny coastline decided to stay in an aire in Tarifa just 14km from Morocco. Super hot and sunny again, lovelyEn savoir plus
New Year’s Eve in Cádiz, what a fab place, hot, full of life, a labyrinth of narrow alleys with street cafes, little boutique shops especially the chocolate and fudge ones, now we know why theEn savoir plus
Camp 13 back in the wilderness amongst sand dunes, very hot and vast expanse of beach. Tested the 4x4 in soft sand so far so good.
Camp 14 now in Portugal, campsite, beautiful setting only 19 euros. So water filled up, toilet emptied, washing machine doing the washing -don’t let Annette tell you she did it cos a machine did it.En savoir plus
Camp 15 was going to be a wild camp at Praia Fluvial do Penelope Furado canyon in a superb setting beautiful surroundings and walks including a 4 mile board walk with a million and 2 steps.En savoir plus
2 nights in the lovely Templar town of Tomar where all the narrow streets are cobbled with white and black cobbles showing the cross of the Knights Templar. Couldn’t not visit the huge KnightsEn savoir plus
After 2 nights in the lovely town Tomar we are now in an aire back on the coast in Consolacao, a small village with a peninsula with a huge beach to the north and high cliffs to the south. A bigEn savoir plus
Slight change in weather today with clouds, set off south to a castle village called at Obidos where cherry liqueur is the local speciality. Lovely little town surrounded by the castle walls andEn savoir plus
Camp 18 half way through the holiday now. We had rain last night even though it is still warm but woke up to clear blue sky. Had a good walk around Seville early on, it was actually chilly when we setEn savoir plus