  • Tag 113

    No way..!

    21. September 2016 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    I actually finished my blog! My 6th overseas trip, and my 3rd attempt at travel blogging, and I think this is the first time I've actually finished one!
    It may be 2 and a half months after getting home, but that means I've had a bit of time to reflect on the trip that was. Everyone has asked what my favourite places were, and it's too difficult to pick just one. We went to so many diverse places, it's really hard to compare any of them. I enjoyed the places I was able to explore alone: London, Budapest and Paris. I had a ball in the unlikely party cities: Krakow and Florence. I adored the places with amazing scenery: the Swiss Alps, Lake Bled and Amsterdam.
    There's not one place I wouldn't like to go back to some day in the future, and not one thing I would change about my trip. I'm grateful for all I experienced, those I met, and everything I learnt about the world, and myself.
    So... Where to next..?