  • Hari 3

    Ile de la Cite

    22 Ogos 2017, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Ile de la Cite is the island in the middle of the Seine,using the Metro once again we traveled to the Cite station where we were close to the Sainte Chappel. This was built between 1239 and 1248 and has 1,113 stained glass scenes which are the main draw card of the Chapel, the windows tell he story of the bible. The chapel was actually built to hold the “Holy relics” purchased from the Emperors of Constantinople in 1239. The lower chapel – built for the use of the palace staff is ornate and the windows are impressive, but it is the easily missed upper chapel (reserved for the use of the King and his family)that is truly amazing
    The next stop was Notre Dame. Unfortunately, we arrived too late to climb the tower and were subjected to extended queuing, however it was worth it to see inside the cathedral which is massive, glorious, impressive…. It’s easy to run out of superlatives. We were also privileged to be able to appreciate the acoustics when a service took place complete with music, singing and robed priests wafting smoke about.

    The day ended with a walk along the Seine and then another Metro ride back to the hostel … for a point of very nice French beer (I was offered Heineken - seriously why would I travel all the way to France to drink crap American beer - eeewww)... phew what a day!
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