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    • Day 35

      Paris - one last day

      July 19 in France ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Off a sunrise flight we stepped back into the romantic streets, gardens, monuments and churches of the City of Light💡

      With a strange familiarity we headed back to the Left Bank to tick off a few sites including a former royal garden and palace (now the seat of the French Senate and public park), 2 churches and 1 national monument before it was off to the airport 🥲Read more

    • Day 58

      The Last Train to Paris

      October 14, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      During the course of the past 8 weeks we have caught numerous trains, buses, ferries and taxis to get us from one location to another. So far, I am extremely relieved to say, that all the complicated arrangements have worked perfectly.

      We are now all very aware that our mammoth adventure is coming to a conclusion. This morning we all packed our bags for almost the last time, as we prepared to leave Vermenton and head to Paris.

      After breakfast, a few of the group made a final walk into the village to buy some goodies from the Boulangerie, while Maggie and I stayed in the millhouse. We were feeling a mixture of apprehension and excitement as we faced the thought of spending the next few days in Paris. While we both love Paris dearly, we knew that our movements would be restricted by Maggie's sore back. I was also not looking forward to how I was going to get all our luggage from the train station to the apartment we had booked on the right bank. Somehow I just hoped that it would all turn out OK.

      By noon, we were all ready to go. Cynda, the owner of the millhouse, had kindly offered to carry all the group's luggage to the Vermenton Station, so that took care of our first major challenge.

      As Maggie and I slowly walked from the millhouse through the familiar village streets, we were both very conscious that we were walking them for the very last time. We will miss this funny little place that had been our home for the past week.

      When the whole group was at the station, we stopped at the little cafe opposite to share a coffee before our train trip to Paris. Then it was time to cross the road and wait for the train to arrive. This train trip was to be our final train ride for this trip, and we all wondered how full the train would be.

      We have already had bad experiences with trying to manhandle all our luggage onto a crowded train, and did not want to repeat that. Fortunately, when the train pulled up (right on time), we were relieved to see that it was almost empty. We had plenty of room for our luggage, and also found some comfortable seats for ourselves.

      The trip to Paris took around two hours. We climbed off the train at Bercy Station and shared our final goodbye hugs with the friends we had spent the previous 8 weeks with. From now on we will be on our own. It will be a little strange, after spending so much time together with the others.

      The first challenge we faced was getting off the station. We knew that many French stations have multiple staircases to be climbed. Lifts and elevators are often very rare. I could hardly believe it when I saw that the platform led directly to the outside of the station. There was not a single stair to be tackled.

      After walking out the station, I was relieved again to see a line of waiting taxis. A couple of minutes later we were sitting in a very comfortable Skoda taxi and on our way to our apartment. I had told the owner that we were hoping to be there "around 4 pm", and we pulled up at exactly 4.01 pm. This was almost too easy to be true. The taxi was even able to drop us off directly outside the entry door.

      We then had to open two doors, each secured by a different combination, climb into one of the tiniest lifts I have ever seen, ride it to the fifth floor, and finally climb the spiral staircase to our apartment on the sixth floor. Since the lift was so small, only one person could fit in at a time.

      The mild mannered owner, Paul, was waiting for us, when we finally reached the summit, and showed us around, before handing us the key and leaving. We were finally on our own.

      The apartment itself, though small, was bigger than most hotel rooms in Paris. It even came with a tiny kitchen, dishwasher and washing machine. When we looked out the window, we could even see the Eiffel Tower and part of Sacre Coeur Cathedral. We are situated just north of the Seine, on the border of the famous Marais and Les Halles Regions. It will be an ideal base for our 2023 Paris experience.
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    • Un hommage à Paris

      April 27 in France ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      "Paris ist immer eine gute Idee" - Und wenn das Audrey Hepburn sagt, muss es stimmen. Ich hatte Paris sowieso schon seit langem auf dem Zettel, also habe ich mir kurzerhand ein Flixbus Ticket gekauft und das Wochenende in der Stadt des Lichts verbracht.

      Die 12 Stunden im Flixbus muss man mögen, aber 8 Uhr an einem Samstag Morgen in Paris Bercy einzurollen hat etwas. Die Stadt ist unglaublich schön. Auch die eigentlich viel zu vielen Touristen im Louvre konnten meine Begeisterung nicht trüben. Am Ende des Tages hatte ich 32 km in den Beinen, war zum Abschluss Nachts bei Dauerregen und kräftig Wind noch kreuz und quer durch den Eiffelturm gestiegen und lag kurz nach Mitternacht platt in meinem Doppelstockbett im Hostel... so wie ich das mag, ein rundum gelungener Tag!
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    • Day 5


      August 21, 2019 in France ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      I needed to be at the bottom of the Montmarte hill by 12.00 midday in order to make it to my entry time stamp of 1-1.30pm at the Louvre.

      This meant catching 2 train lines and lining up for security, for ticket collection and to get into the louvre from the pyramid entrance.

      Well I had no clue what to do, but had every faith in myself to just work it out, and make it happen. It did, I was inside the Louvre in approx 20 minutes.

      Online booking meant I already had my ticket. Time stamp meant had a fastpass in a 30 minute window. I walked past huge lines inside. Until The Mona Lisa!

      I was heading to Vermeer's 'The Lace Maker' in Richelieu wing as this area would be quieter. Not this time. They had moved the Mona Lisa in a room right next to my painting!!!

      Dumbasses. Bloody renovations. I asked staff which direction for Vermeer. They smiled at me as if to say you poor girl, wanting to see a painting next to the most famous one in the world.

      They got it. This was my experience with every staff member I chatted to in the Louvre. They sit there all bored. Then I walk up to them. You see I tried to speak French to them, failed miserably, I would say the magic word 'englais' to them, then their faces lit up with big smiles. They could see in me my joy to be there, a willingness to try to adapt, stuffing it up but smiling anyway. Now where can I find Delacroix?, Canova? and so on.

      Julie asked me to find Eugene Delacroix's 'Frightened horse leaping from water' in lithograph. I looked, nothing in the French artists section. I asked where it is? I was told that if I came back tomorrow, and booked a time, the director could take me into a special room to see the drawings. You see the drawings are not on display, due to their delicacy. Well so sorry Jules I am not coming back tomorrow as will be flying to Italy.

      Walking the Louvre by myself, best thing in the world.

      My arts history teacher, Mr Ross Miller, has taught me about these world famous paintings and artists with huge passion when I was 16 years old. Every slide he showed me has stuck.

      I treat these works of the masters of any era like my old friends. Even tearing up, when I face one unexpectedly. Recognition. I totally know these guys. I see a painting and the artists name comes out of my mouth. I get to really celebrate my own appreciation for these works.

      I eat Quiche at the corner Cafe while staring through the windows at the crowds outside the pyramid.

      I come across my favourite pieces - Canova's 'Cupid and Psyche' and 'Winged Victory of Samarance' (Which always reminds me of Carolyn)
      Bought them on way home in a model shop for 10 euro each. In Louvre were 110.00 euro.
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    • Day 2

      Day touring Paris

      September 6, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      We did Peg’s favorite thing when we only have one day in a new city, a Hop On-Hop Off bus tour. Even though we rode a bus to all the sites, somehow we still walked almost 8 miles. Paris did not disappoint, a beautiful city with amazing landmarks.Read more

    • Day 37

      Wonder around Paris

      April 28 in France ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      After breaky, went to the Musee d l'Orangerie (Museum of longery). Had a few minures of just Monet all to ourselves before the crowds started! Gold.

      We were greeted by shiny happy people (REM song) - the some what typical grumpy French welcome to the museum.

      After, we had cafe and croisaant at a cafe, then macaroon, then wondered to st. germain. Had nice lunch, then saw the st. chapel with the stained glass ceiling.

      After we found a bar, drank, people watched, and made our way back to the hotel.

      Great day!
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    • Day 9

      Goodbye Rome, Hello Paris!

      May 28, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Great day visiting the Dior museum, it definitely exceeded our expectations. Very cool, interesting, and interactive!

      My dinner tonight consisted of a cinnamon sugar crepe and an assortment of candy. Nothing beats that! Haha another great night. We went to Caveau De La Huchette for an after dinner cocktail and entertainment. It was quite the experience. This place is a historical landmark in Paris, a jazz club that is very old and holds true to the original structure. Also- a scene from “Lala Land” was shot here.Read more

    • Day 54

      And Finally .....Paris

      October 13, 2019 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      It was rather strange "checking out" of a hotel when there was no one at the desk. In fact there seemed to be no one anywhere. We had been the only people at breakfast in the downstairs cafe and we noticed that the cafe closed as soon as we left.

      With no sign of a soul at the desk, we had no alternative than to just leave the key on the desk, manhandle our luggage down the stairs and out the door and then just let the door slam behind us.

      The sun was already shining brightly and the morning felt like summer again. Since we were still a little early for our train to Paris, we decided to sit in the sunshine doing crossword puzzles instead. The main Gare de Tours was only a 5 minute walk from the Hotel Linxa, so we had plenty of time on our hands. We calculated that we had already stayed in 29 different rooms so far on this trip. We were now about to proceed to the 30th and final room, before we caught the plane back to Melbourne.

      Soon we were seated on the train to Paris, the scenery was flashing past in a blur and we had even been able to find place for our luggage. This had been a long and complicated trip and it is always a relief when every single arrangement along the way goes exactly according to the plan.

      It was only when the train pulled into Montparnasse Station that things took a slightly weird turn. For some reason the train had been diverted away from the main station and we found ourselves climbing out in a completely unfamiliar part of the station complex. In spite of following the "Sortie" signs, we could not find any way to get out of the building (and neither could a group of French people who had the same problem). We even had a couple trips in an elevator, looking for an exit without success.

      By the time we eventually escaped via a construction zone, we were right around the back of the building and had a long walk back to the main entrance. Of course the inevitable happened - Maggie needed a toilet. I waited with all the luggage while she went back inside the station in search of a toilet. I stood outside and fumed.

      About 30 minutes we were finally in a taxi and heading to the apartment we had booked near the Seine. After some difficulty the driver found the place and we rang the owner to let her know we had arrived. The location of the apartment is exceptional - right near the Seine and opposite the I'sle de La Citie. The apartment itself was wonderful. Not only did it have heaps of room, it was brand new and fully equipped. It was easily the best accommodation we have ever enjoyed in Paris. We had arrived at the 30th room and everything had gone as planned.

      After settling in, we went out for a walk. Since we were so close to Notre Dame Cathedral, we went to look at the damage caused by the huge fire earlier this year. Although the entire region is now fenced off from the public, you can clearly see the stabilisation works that have already taken place. The beautiful flying buttresses have now been reinforced with huge wooden beams. Where the stained glass windows used to be are now sheets of clear plastic to keep out the weather. A large wooden roof construction is also taking shape, but we do not know if that is a temporary or permanent feature. It certainly was heartbreaking to see the damage at close quarters. We can only hope that those in authority will act wisely when choosing the best course of action to take in the history of this ancient building.

      We now have two days in Paris before beginning the flight home.
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    • Day 2

      Ah Paris

      March 29, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Just a very brief post to relate that we arrived here…felt like a very LONG journey…but all well, and found the hotel so easily…just straight on to the metro at Gare du Nord, down the line 5, and we found our hotel, a new Ibis for us, in the Bastille area…

      But have to say we are rather wobbly and spaced…but nothing that a good night’s sleep won’t fix. After checking in at about 4.30pm (that is about 28 hours after taking off in Sydney) and doing a bit of unpacking (not much to unpack as we have been so ruthless about little luggage) we set off for a walk towards Bastille, and finally stopped for a glass of wine in one bar, then for a little meal in another. It is very mild today, about 18°. The leaves are starting to make a green mist in the trees - some quite green, and some still totally bare. Very pleasant. And there has been no sign of garbage pile up, or any unrest in the area around here. The bars and bistros are buzzing, and Paris life seems normal!

      So now showered and ready for a long refreshing sleep…Amr has bought clementines ready for our breakfast (this is a tradition) and all is well. More information tomorrow!
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    • Day 3

      A huge Paris day

      March 30, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      This will have to be brief-ish as it’s almost 11pm and we are drooping! But must try and remember the details….this morning after eating clementines in the room, we bought pastries and then went out for coffee…walked down to the tower of St Jacques on the rue de Rivoli, via Bastille which was buzzing with a market…then up along the Seine to St Michel where we turned up to St Germaine to go to the Vieu Campeur shops to buy walking poles, our mission for the day. Successfully accomplished, then had croissants at the patisserie that won’t best croissant of the year (formidable competition) in 2018, then went back to the hotel to drop the sticks, and have a mini break.

      Set out again for what turned out to be a big walk, despite getting the metro in the beginning to Louvre (turned out we walked a total of 23 kms according to my Apple Watch)…then wandered a bit, shops, parks, ending half way up the Champs d’Elysees, had a drink in our fave bar near the Opera (which is covered in scaffolding) which was very fortunate as during that time it suddenly had a short rain storm, then becoming sunny and clear by the time we set off again.

      Ended up walking most of the way back to our dinner place - Amr can’t quite remember where he heard of it (? Hartley) but it is Le Petit Célestin, on the quai Célestin and was wonderful. Our booking was 8pm, quiet at that time, and when we left at about 9.30 it was chaotically buzzing. Delicious food - barrata on endive and grilled prawns for Amr, asparagus and kidneys for me. A delicious mash, quite unlike Paul’s even though we are in Paris - sort of lumpy and flavoured and delicious…very small place, probably only about 30 places, and close to your neighbours. Fun.

      Walking to the restaurant we had noticed many police and flashing lights vehicles driving back and forth, but later when we left there were hundreds of them everywhere…and clumps of police standing round on street corners…we had to detour round Bastille to get back to the hotel…sort of scary in a way…I think they must have had a threatened attack and had police everywhere to make it difficult…anyway, safely back and no news of anything…can still hear sirens…so while I say Paris is normal, this wasn’t! Off to sleep…
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Paris, Parys, ፓሪስ, París, باريس, ܦܐܪܝܣ, Париж, Горад Парыж, প্যারিস, ཕ་རི།, Pariz, پاریس, Parighji, Paříž, Парижь, Парис, Παρίσι, Parizo, Pariis, Pariisi, Parîs, Páras, 巴黎, Parĩ, પૅરિસ, Paarys, Palika, פריז, पैरिस, Párizs, Փարիզ, PAR, Parigi, パリ, paris, პარიზი, ប៉ារីស, ಪ್ಯಾರಿಸ್, 파리, Lutetia, Paräis, Paries, Pariggi, Pari, Paryžius, Parīze, Parī, Париз, പാരിസ്, पॅरिस, ပါရီမြို့, Париж ош, Parigge, पेरिस, Parijs, Pariižu, ਪੈਰਿਸ, Paryż, پیرس, 75000, پاريس, Паріж, Paríž, Baariis, பாரிஸ், పారిస్, ปารีส, Pariž, Lungsod ng Paris, پارىژ, Parij, Parixe, פאריז, Parisi, Bahliz

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