  • Hari 28

    And on to Scily

    16 September 2017, Itali ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    It has felt like a very long day today. We were up early so that we would be packed and ready for the taxi at 7am – we were able to have a coffee at least before it arrived so that was something. I am sure we were taken advantage of as the trip cost 30 euros and we made our way to the harbour by the mist circuitous route – anyway – we were there in plenty of time ready to board the high-speed hydrofoil for Naples. After a bit of a wait we were permitted to board and were soon underway for our 40-minute trip directly across the Bay of Naples. The price was only 15euro ea including baggage and the trip was very smooth. Disembarking in Naples at the Beverello Port, we tossed up taking a taxi versus a shuttle bus. We decided on the taxi and it proved a wise decision – having negotiated a 25euro fare the driver was out to “beat his meter” and made it to the airport in 13 minutes. Although the shuttle would have only cost us a total of 12euros, its estimated transit time was 30 – 35 minutes – this would have been ok if we had had a longer window until departure, however when we arrived we had to queue for over 45 minutes to drop our bags so thank heavens we arrived when we did as we may not have made it before cut off otherwise.
    We boarded our “Alitalia” flight and were soon taking off - I was surprised when they announced “cabin service” although this did turn out to mean a drink of water, soft drink or juice (welcome none-the-less). It seemed that we had barely taken off when suddenly we were told to fasten seatbelts for decent and we started to see amazing views of Mt Etna. The landing was a bit bouncy but we arrived safe and sound and were soon transferring to the terminal via a coach while sweltering in the 32 degree heat – such a nice change from the low to mid 20’s we had been experiencing. Collecting our bags we then went to find the “Alibus” this is an airport bus service that does a loop from the airport, via the station, through the centre of town with multiple drop off points including one which was only a few hundred metres from our accommodation. We purchased the 4euro ticket on the bus and were soon on our way. All up it took about 20 minutes to get to our stop (the ticket would have lasted 90 had we wanted to keep looping around. From there it was only a short walk to the Habitat B&B.
    The accommodation is in Via Teatro Massimo – a wide, pedestrian mall that actually looked kind of scruffy (but as we were to later learn is the hub of “night life” in Catania – thank heavens for double glazing!. We arrived at the rather motheaten door we buzzed and were let in, passing through what looked kind of like a building site to a large glass and metal door. Inside however was a whole new world a really hipster place with clean lines, air conditioning, neutral colours and a really nice room (including a lovely bathroom). The breakfast room was pretty cool and even included a funky coffee machine and all-day croissants and cake. We spent some time getting sorted and then decided to head out to explore the area
    Our first stop was the tourist office where we acquired maps and information about local beaches (also about how to get to Agrigento – but that turned out to be no good as when we googled how to get there, there seemed to be a whole heap of road closures and we are now going to have to cancel the hire car – I am SO over this whole not being able to do stuff, thing!!!!!). From there we walked into town where we found a local market – local produce, all kinds of household stuff and knock off designer items. We wandered there for a while and then headed up Via Etnea, through the Bellini and Roma Gardens, through the Botanical Gardens and then back down via Etnea to a restaurant recommended for dinner.
    We arrived at 7pm as per the website and were informed that they didn’t actually open until 730 – we sat and waited and it was worth it. We ordered a pizza (me; truffle infused mozzarella, mushrooms and spinach sauce) and a Calzone (Kirstin) and a salad to share – WAY WAY too much food the pizza was huge (even though the crust was wafer thing) and the Calzone was perhaps twice the size – thank heavens they allow “doggie bags”! We then wandered - or perhaps staggered - back to the hotel well and truly sated!
    Baca lagi