
lutego - marca 2019
55-dniowa przygoda według Julia & Paul Czytaj więcej
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  • Dzień 21

    Still cant get into the palace!

    25 lutego 2019, Kambodża ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Walked to the central market in the morning - has lots of jewellery stalls in the centre as well as the vast number of food, fish, clothes and other stalls. Didn't buy anything - just enjoy looking. Then walked to and alongside the river to the Royal Palace ready for the 2pm opening only to be told that it was shut today for a special ceremony - a meeting of the Cambodian King and the Vietnamese President. Lots of military personnel, scouts - including a band and drummers, girls in official dress etc. Flags and placards showing the King and President were handed out. We waited and watched the cavalcade arrive and enter the palace. In the evening we went to a good burger restaurant- sometimes nice to eat burger and fries! Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 22

    The Killing Fields & Palace

    26 lutego 2019, Kambodża ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Arranged for a taxi to the Killing Fields which picked us up promptly at 9am. The Killing Fields are a reminder of the brutality of the Khmer Rouge regime. Such a sad place but feel it is good that there is this remembrance for the victims and they should not be forgotten. It seemed strange but also comforting that there is now a school next to the Killing Fields and you can hear children laughing and playing as you walk around - good wins over evil. Our taxi driver waited for us and drove us back to the hotel. Then walked to the Palace, stopping for lunch on the way. Interesting to watch workers adding a new electric wire to the multitude already attached to the poles - even put the ladder against the wires for support to get the wire a cross the road without stopping the traffic. Spent the afternoon walking around the palace areas visitors are allowed in. Very interesting & lovely gardens. Lots of temples in the grounds including the Silver pagoda with emerald Buddha - the floor is covered in silver tiles (mainly covered in carpet but tiles can still be seen). The household of the palace wear different coloured clothes on different days of the week - red on Sunday, orange on
    Monday, purple on Tuesday on Friday etc.
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  • Dzień 23

    Good evening Vietnam

    27 lutego 2019, Wietnam ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

    Travelled by the Giant Ibis Bus from Phnom Penh to Ho Chi Minh City. Delayed start as a few had not got visas for Vietnam. One got off but others decided to try their luck at the border - apparently enough money will get you in! Watched as people queue jumped with a bit of cash in their passport - made all the difference! We had to pay an additional $2 each - slipped inside the passport when given to the coach driver - for having an e-visa! Took a while but got through border control. Arrived in Ho Chi Minh City and looked for the taxi companies recommended to us but could not see one so followed one of the touts to his taxi - we only had 3k to go - how much could that be? After trying to take us in the wrong direction he charged us over 7 times the going rate! We learnt our lesson. On the good side our apartment was lovely. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 24

    Ho Chi Minh City

    28 lutego 2019, Wietnam ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Started with a couple of loads of washing - nice to get everything clean. Got a taxi to the War Remnants Museum - interesting to read the Vietnam side - obviously much written propaganda. The exhibitions show all the American weapons and the tortures used when USA troops interrogated suspected Vietcong but not how US troops were treated when captured. It is still harrowing to see how all suffered during that time and the effects still being felt due to Agent Orange - chemical sprayed from planes and helicopters to kill the forested areas. In the Imprisonment area there were many bats hanging on the wall - they did not look friendly! Following this we walked to see the Notre Dame Cathedral (only from the outside as being renovated) and the post office (an old French colonial building). In the evening we went for a meal at a restaurant recommended to us - the entrance did not look inviting and 5 flights of stairs to climb but 'the Secret Garden restaurant' was lovely and the food was delicious. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 25

    The Mekong Delta

    1 marca 2019, Wietnam ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Collected from our apartment block & taken to collect the other couple on our tour to the Mekong Delta - another Julia and Paul! Made it easy for the tour guide! First stop was the Buddhist Vinh Trang Pagoda with a very 'happy Buddha'. Next taken to the river to board a motorised sampan to Unicorn Island to see the exotic fruits growing, sample them with traditional folk music being played for us. Fruit was good - particularly liked the sapodilla which we had not eaten before. Then taken to a honey farm to try honey tea - delicious. Back on the sampan to Phung Island to transfer to a traditional sampan which was rowed for us along a canal under the shade of the water coconut trees. Taken to a coconut candy factory - every part of the coconut is used - husk to make carpet, coconut flesh was desiccated & then milk added back to make a slush, then pressed and milk extracted used as fertiliser and the shell is used to burn as fuel for the cooking of the candy. Tasted the candy but have too many fillings to risk eating any more - very sweet and chewy. Taken from here in a horse and carriage to a riverside restaurant for lunch. So much food - deep fried elephant-ear fish, braised fish, sour soup, omelette, morning glory, rice and watermelon. On the motorised sampan to take us back to the minibus to continue our journey to Can Tho for our overnight stop. Nice hotel. Walked to the riverside in the evening through the night market. Lovely dinner overlooking the river. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 26

    Floating Market

    2 marca 2019, Wietnam ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Up early ready for boat at 7am to take us the 40 minute ride to the Cai Rang floating market which sells wholesale fruit and vegetables - lots of water melons, tomatoes, pumpkins, onions, sweet potatoes etc. The traders tie an example of the fruit they are selling to long poles on their boats to advertise what they have. Smaller sampans weave in and out either buying goods or selling food to the other traders and shoppers. We were then taken to a rice noodle factory workshop. Nothing is wasted in the process - the rice husks are burnt to fuel the stove and then used as fertiliser. Walked through some nice gardens and then taken to a local market selling fish, meat and vegetables. The fish, crabs and frogs were all still alive - couldn't get any fresher! From here we were driven back to Ho Chi Minh City in the minibus, stopping for lunch on the way at a nice restaurant. Arrived back in time for a nice swim in the rooftop pool before going out to the night street food market for food, beer, live band and good company. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 27

    Cu Cui Tunnels

    3 marca 2019, Wietnam ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Lazy morning and afternoon trip to the Cu Cui tunnels. Met at the travel agents and after a other few pick ups we set off. The guide that did not speak to us in English up to this point then brings out his karaoke microphone and starts to sing Vietnamese folk songs. He had the microphone connected to his phone so we had music too and all quite loud. The first song got a polite round of applause but his second song got no applause - too loud and just too long! Not to be put off he went for a 3rd song. Finally he understood that none of us wanted any more! Just out of the city we stopped at a handicraft place where handicapped people produce lovely pictures and items using eggshell, mother of pearl inlay, paint and lacquer. At the tunnels our guide took us around the points of interest. The Vietcong were ingenious in misleading the Americans - putting the tread on sandals the wrong way around so the footprint looked like they were walking in the opposite direction. They disguised ventilation for the tunnels as natural mounds found in the forest and when the USA troops used sniffer dogs to sniff out the smell of the Vietnamese to gas the tunnels the Vietcong used the uniforms of the US troops cut up small to use around the ventilation holes so that the sniffer dogs couldn't smell the Vietcong - only Americans. I had to admire their determination, ingenuity and tenacity but I found it difficult that they seem still to celebrate the death of American GIs. The Vietcong are their heroes. We were taken along a short section of tunnel - having to crouch right down all the way and Paul 'hid' in a tunnel as they would have done. Brought back to Ho Chi Minh City and went to a food market for dinner. Back to the apartment to pack. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 28

    To Hoi An

    4 marca 2019, Wietnam ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    11am flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Da Nang. Collected at Da Nang airport and taken to Hoi An. The taxi driver didn't speak English but he used an app on his phone to translate for him - at least he made the effort to talk to us! Not impressed with our first room at the hotel - toilet didn't flush, no water pressure and a musty smell so complained & room changed - at -£12.50 a night I am not sure what we were expecting! Had a nice walk into the old town - looks lovely with a large market. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 29

    Hoi An - City of Lanterns

    5 marca 2019, Wietnam ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    Went to a local bakery's/deli for breakfast- Paul had full English and I had eggs Benedict - good home comfort food! Walked into the old town. So hot we needed to stop for a drink when we got there. Spent the afternoon wandering the streets enjoying looking at the shops and stopping for drinks and people watching. Seems funny that when you are sitting in a cafe other street traders come in to sell you fruit & snacks. As the sun sets all the lanterns light up - really pretty. Walked around the markets and watched the boats on the river. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 30

    Hoi An day 2

    6 marca 2019, Wietnam ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Walked into the old town and having bought a Ancient Hoi An tourist ticket, visited the Quan Cong Temple, Quan Am Pagoda, Phuc Kien Assembly Hall, Old house of Phung Hung, Museum of Folk Culture and a live performance at the Hoi An Traditional Art Performance House. All very different and interesting. Wandered around the markets and sat in street cafes watching the world go by. On the walk back to our accommodation we came across a micro brewery so had to stop for a beer or two! Czytaj więcej