  • 日17

    Maun Pub Crawl

    2018年2月19日, ボツワナ ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Right,woken by wild animals shouting in Paul's Garden. Noisy bastards. It was decided to take a cruise on P&H's African Queen called Squiffy Pussy 3! A lovely 1hours cruise up the lagoon watching the bird life. No bird pictures yet though but lots to see but spotted a Croc on the bank.
    In for a quick piece of toast,then into Maun to meet some oh P&H's friends in various bars. Castle lager rules. The quality of the drivers is shocking as the locals come at you from all angles with no concept of speed and distance. Add to this donkeys,cattle and goats grazing on the side of the road untethered make driving here an exciting concept! They just cross over.
    Great curry lunch followed by a quick shop then home. We spotted wart hogs,wild dogs(rare up here and a result) and an elephant. We saw all these around the house and we are not yet in the Park. Exciting things to come.l needed a snooze after last night and woke up to gin and tonic and a glorious sunset! The wild dogs answered the question as to what was crunching bones outside our tent last night! Should have sent Mrs G to investigate at the time. As you can imagine she wasn't keen!
    Into Pom Pom in Okavango proper in light aircraft tomorrow. No internet there so will be out of contact for 3 days. Big blog next time hey!!!!