  • Hari 25

    Day 25 - Phil? Ned? BING!

    2 Oktober 2016, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    We are just one day's worth of driving away from reaching a city where we can lay our hat for.... a whole three nights. Can't wait.

    We crossed two state lines today and apart from more corn fields the other observation of note was the increasing levels of traffic that we are going to have to get used to now that we are leaving the plains behind. The journey was also extended a touch by a detour. However, it was very much worth it.

    Woodstock, Illinois is an American town with a picture perfect town square. We arrived on a Sunday evening and locals were merrily milling about getting coffee, going to the cinema and partacking in other such wholesome activities. It felt like a movie set. Funny that because it is here that the majority of Groundhog Day was filmed. There are plaques dotted about marking where memorable scenes occurred and it took us a while to locate them all. This Easter Egg hunt for plaques was a fun way to stretch our legs and have a laugh. The town is a big aspect of the movie and also a pleasant place to relax and is well worth a visit.

    We got back in the car and it was another ninety minutes before we reached Chicago. Just outside the city, the drive was quite a challenge as the heavens suddenly opened on busy roads with endless major roadworks, combined with numerous toll booths each with different charges and gates opened. However, the rain stopped before reaching our airbnb and it was nice to be in homely surroundings. We quickly headed out for a fancy yet surprisingly cheap dinner at The Bristol and then it was time to head home, curl up on the sofa, and watch a movie. Groundhog Day no less! I'm glad I brought it with me.

    Song of the Day:
    Sonny & Cher - I Got You Babe (If you don't know why, watch Groundhog Day!)
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