Wings & Shakes

september - november 2016
Et 82-dagers eventyr av Mash and Malice Les mer
  • 121fotspor
  • 82dager
  • 426bilder
  • 30liker
Liste over land
  • Canada
  • Forente stater
  • England
  • 13,1kreiste miles
  • Flyvning5 215kilometer
  • Går-kilometer
  • Fotturer-kilometer
  • Sykkel-kilometer
  • Motorsykkel-kilometer
  • Tuk Tuk-kilometer
  • Bil-kilometer
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  • Campingvogn-kilometer
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  • Padling/Roing-kilometer
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  • Cruisebåt-kilometer
  • Hest-kilometer
  • Skikjøring-kilometer
  • Haike-kilometer
  • Cable car-kilometer
  • Helikopter-kilometer
  • Barfot-kilometer
  • 121fotspor
  • 82dager
  • 426bilder
  • 30liker
  • 13,1kmiles
  • 5,2kmiles
  • Dag 1

    Day 1 - Bye Bye Britain!

    8. september 2016, England ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    And so here we are. The beginning of 90 days in the US. The beginning of a new life abroad. The beginning of the rest of my life with Alice. So before I begin, a goodbye. Farewell Britain, England, the UK, whatever you are. I will miss you greatly. Quick, someone, pass me a tissue!Les mer

  • Dag 1

    (Day 1 cont.) Vegas Baby!

    8. september 2016, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    We've arrived. And we're knackered. Business class was a nice treat for us and my legs are grateful. I always wanted to fly in a 747 and we managed to get seats on the top row. Food was great and I was pleased not to have to think about strategic positioning when jostling to get off. On arrival, the border guard was extremely serious and blunt. Obviously the entertainment is on the strip and I wasn't expecting a comedy routine but I was taken aback by his demeanour and I suddenly felt really nervous for no reason. He kept asking if I was going to work in the US and I wasn't sure how to stress 'no I will not' without sounding rude. We got there in the end.

    Arriving at the hotel the receptionist could not have been more friendly. Within a minute we had gone from Middle Earth to Jersey Shore via the hotel's swimming pool and amenities. A rest was definitely needed now.
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  • Dag 1

    Progress Map - Nevada

    8. september 2016, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    Before we left Alice bought a map of the USA with each state available to scratch off. So as we enter (or before we leave) each state I'll post a photo of our progress across them.

  • Dag 1

    (Day 1 cont.) Love at the Mirage

    8. september 2016, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 31 °C

    The rest didn't involve sleep that, with hindsight was brave! We decided to hit the the strip and it is everything I expected it to be and more. A total assault on the senses in every sense and I loved it. We worked our way to the Mirage to pick up tickets for a show which we had planned to see before we left. The Cirque Du Soleil were performing their own take on classic Beatles hits called 'Love'. The only thing was it didn't start till 9:30pm and with the time difference it was more like 3:30am. We took our time with dinner at 'LVB' and as this blog is called Wings and Shakes, I had my first Buffalo wings since being here. Not bad, only seven, not too much sauce and they were of good size. A decent start. Alice had what they called a 'BBC' (oh how we laughed) which was basically a chicken burger ala buffalo wings and was also well received. We then decided to go to Venice, or is that the Venetian, walking along paths and bridges inspired by the city. The gaudiness of it was not the most American thing I experienced... it was the elevators on all the bridges themselves! Brilliant. Delirium had kicked in by now and if it wasn't for the flashing lights at every eyeline, numerous glasses of coke, and something spectacular on every corner we would have both just collapsed and slept on a bench somewhere. We made it to 9:30pm and the show itself was fantastic. It was also perfect for what was needed; each song played to a totally different set and type of performance involving little story or concentration. Highly recommended and it has ensured that the Beatles will be on in the car tomorrow. By the time we got back to the hotel we had hit the 24hr mark of being awake. A great start to the holiday. Tomorrow we hit the road.

    Song of the Day:
    John Denver - Leaving on a Jet Plane
    Les mer

  • Dag 2

    Day 2 - Leaving Las Vegas

    9. september 2016, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    We awoke refreshed and having "suffered" yesterday by staying awake till the evening, hopefully jet lag has been banished. We'll see! We attempted to get a Las Vegas Breakfast Buffet but time had conspired against us and so that is now on the to do list for our return visit. We headed back to the airport to collect the car. We hoped we would be given a choice of cars and that is what happened and yet, choice in involves a decision, and having a row of cars of different makes and sizes in front of us brought on a mini panic of choosing the right one for the journey. Luckily I didn't have internet access as it would have taken a lot longer! We had a look in a few and went with a Nissan Sentra. It looked nice at least. With Tom Tom plugged in and 2 minutes of figuring out how it starts we were off. Interstate 15 took us out of the city and within an hour straight into traffic by Baker. I enjoyed the open road while it lasted. The slow traffic though did allow a greater time to take in the barrenness of the scenery in these parts of Nevada and California. I felt like I wanted to get back on my horse from Red Dead Redemption and have a wander around. It was very relaxing. The landscape changed the nearer we got to the coast although by now it was getting dark. Our first full day of driving was done.

    Song of the Day:
    2Pac - California Love
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Day 3 - Rosebud!

    10. september 2016, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We reached the Pacific coast last night and stayed at the 'Days Inn' in San Simeon. After a good night's sleep we headed out early to see the main local attraction, 'Hearst Castle'. As we were told on numerous occasions during the tour it was actually referred to as 'The Ranch at San Simeon'. The castle is the lasting legacy of a William Randolph Hearst and is a unique blend of American opulence from the early twentieth century and European decadence from the centuries before that one. For the movie buffs out there, Rosebud is a reference to the movie 'Citizen Kane' in which the castle 'Xanadu' and the main protagonist are inspired by both The Ranch and Hearst's life. Alice and I were on the ground floor tour and thoroughly enjoyed the house and the surrounding gardens. It was during our visit that we were introduced to two new words of the American-English dicionary:

    Fictionary - The person who said this on the tour of the castle, I'm guessing, meant fictional but I actually quite like this new word and totally know what he meant.

    Portapotty - We have learnt since being in California that they are in the fifth year of a drought and so portaloos (as we say in the UK) seem to be an appropriate convenience for some public amenities. Someone in the queue referred to them as a portapotty that when you think about it is about right.

    After the castle, we were on Highway 1 heading north.
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  • Dag 3

    (Day 3 cont.) Highway 1-der!

    10. september 2016, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    The Pacific Coast Highway is amazing. Being familiar with the unique scenery of Northern Spain and having seen the spectacular views that New Zealand's mountain ranges have to offer, this route is packed with breathtaking views of mountainsides blended with the Pacific Sea. There was a mist aound the coast that obscured some of the view but luckily apart fom the lack of direct sunshine visibility was good. Our destination for today was Monterey, a stopover on the way to San Francisco. Once we arrived we unpacked and headed straight to the harbour area. We had no expectations and were pleasantly surprised by the main high street and the Italian festival that was taking place near the harbour with a live band and market stalls. It was a Saturday night and the town and tourists were out in force. We learnt walking around that this was the earliest town established by the Spanish in California. A nice dinner was finished off with beers from a bar from a local brewery. An enjoyable evening rounded off a memorable day.

    Song of the Day:
    The Beatles - The Long and Winding Road
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Day 4 - A Mission and A Prison

    11. september 2016, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    We left the comfortablish 'Comfort Inn' early morning and headed straight for San Francisco. The scenery on Highway 1 from here was not as dramatic as yesterday but there were still beautiful little pockets. There was the cycling stage of an Iron Man taking place on either side of the road which was both impressive for its endurance and annoying when taking photos.

    Luckily our accommodation was just off the highway once we reached San Francisco and we didn't have to go anywhere near the centre. We dropped the car off there and ventured into the area we were staying in, Mission District. There is an abundance of taquerias and local breweries on the main throughfare here, Mission Street. On first reflection the area feels like Dalston in London with a Mexican twist. We headed to the T-Mobile shop as our first essential purchase was a WiFi hotspot so that we were near an internet connection at all times. Phew!

    After a quick rest we headed out again, taking the subway this time. The subway was just how I imagined an American subway to be, just the right side of sinister and depressing. I blame movies from the 70s and 80s when the only reason to feature a subway scene was to involve crime or stress loneliness. The incredibly soulful singing by a blind homeless person by the ticket machines didn't help. We managed to go the wrong way on the subway, classic tourist mistake, but we got to our destination with plenty of time to spare. We were to go on a night tour of Alcatraz!

    The approach to the island involved a mini tour round the island before docking. The surrounding mist added to the atmosphere and I managed to get my first glimpse of the bridges that connect San Franciso. Although the Golden Gate Bridge grabs the headlines, the Bay Bridge is just as imposing due to its length. I can't wait to see more of them whilst we're here. Anyway, back to the prison. There was a large group of us following a tour guide but as we entered the main block we were each given individual audio guides which was a clever way of slowly filtering people through the prison. The various famous episodes that took place were explained in detail by inmates and guards who were present in the prison when it was active. The escape attempt and armed siege that happened here were brought to life by focusing on a particular cell that involved the inmate in question or the event. Towards the end we were led outside which by now was dark and the vista of the city and the bridges all lit up was worth the night tour alone. A powerful image of opportunity and fun within sight. I was glad I was heading back to the mainland.

    What better way to celebrate our freedom and liberty then by eating burger and fries! Alice and I had heard nothing but good things about 'In and Out Burger'. It's a fast food burger, it was cheap and it was OK. Alice saw that people were having the 'Animal Fries' which I think is the main attraction. She'll try and get that before we leave California. With bellies full it was time for bed.

    Song of the Day:
    Scott McKenzie - If You're Going To San Francisco
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Day 5 - Football!!!

    12. september 2016, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

    We started the day at a recommended coffee shop called Sight Glass. The coffee was good and the atmosphere was like most independent places. But there was no time to dawdle and soak it up. Our aim for the morning was to get a ride on the famous San Francisco cable car. However, by the time we reached downtown the queue was huge and we decided to give it a miss for today. So instead we walked up and down the route the car would have taken. Seeing the hills of the city and walking them are two very different things. By the time we reached the area called North Beach, lunch was definitely needed. We found a cafe, Pat's Cafe, which served good looking home made meals. As I'm going to try as many different 'all American' meals as possible I went for the Corned Beef Hash. I had little idea as to what I was ordering and when it came out I was certain Corned Beef didn't look like that, but it was really tasty and a hearty meal for the day ahead.

    We then went down to the harbour where there is a unique museum come arcade warehouse called 'The Musée Mécanique'. It's a really cool collection of very old penny machines and the beginnings of interactive entertainment I suppose. Alice beat me on a (clearly broken) driving game where her driving was considered 'fair' and mine needed 'more practice'. There was also a 'handshaking game' where you shake the hand, or rather squeeze, the hand of Abraham Lincoln and he gives you a rating. Alice's was considered 'mild' whilst mine was 'sweet'. Thanks Abe. Rather more quarters were spent on other games and then we decided to leave for the 'big' game.

    We were off to see the 49ers. They were playing the LA Rams in the first game of the season. And that's about the extent of my knowledge of American Football. We left relatively early as it was going to take at least two hours to get there from the harbour. A tram and two trains were needed. Both trains were absolutely packed with fans heading to the game. In the seats in front of Alice and I on the first train there were two excited fans heading to the game making plans for a 'boy's weekend' away. It went something like this:

    It's a chill thing.
    Not a party thing?
    Yeah more chill thing.
    I was thinking boat thing.

    And this thing went on for 90 mins. Once we reached the stadium it was heaving. Everyone who worked there was incredibly polite as we were ushered in and there was light joking between the 49ers' and Ram's fans. First port of call was the Franks stand. With a jumbo frankfurter in one hand and a beer in the other Alice and I felt the part. Then suddenly the mood changed when the announcer let everyone know that there was to be a silence for the victims of 9/11 followed by the national anthem. After the silence, which was very well observed, there was an imposing and emotional fan near to us who yelled out 'stand up, stand up'. Alice and I were luckily already standing and we weren't quite sure who he was shouting out. With his baseball cap over his heart he was really in the moment. With mustard still dribbling down my chin I was for some strange reason caught up too and bang on cue at the end of the national anthem two fighter jets flew over head with ear bursting noise and fireworks erupted everywhere. It was truly spectacular in every sense. We hadn't even gotten to our seats by this point and we were still in the 'Pepsi Fan Zone'. I read after the game that some of the players for the 49ers knelt on one knee during the national anthem in support of the black lives matter movement. I'm guessing that is who the fan was shouting at but who knows.

    The 49ers were rank outsiders before the game and they ended up winning by 28-0. I was told that the game was sold out. To be honest I don't know how you would know that being there as nobody seems to stay seated for longer than 30 minutes. It does go on for about 3 hours mind. There are numerous adverts on the big screens during plays with various offers such as 'if 49ers win, Papa John's has 49% off everything tomorrow'. Offers and rewards are handed out like confetti. It was during a reward announcement that I found out that 'Jaxson' and 'Shreesh' are actual names.

    The hammering of a local rival ensured there was a good atmosphere after the game. At no time did this spill into anything other than sheer excitement. Really good entertainment all round. Now, we just have to get two trains and then an uber and we're home!

    Song of the Day:
    Radiohead - Palo Alto (we passed it on the train)
    Les mer

  • Dag 6

    Day 6 - Golden Delicious

    13. september 2016, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Since being on the West Coast and in particular San Francisco we have had mainly warm and misty days with the sun breaking through occasionally. Today was different and we had some decent California sunshine. So with the sunshine upon us what better way to take in the most glorious symbol of this city then by riding across its 1.3 mile span. Today's ultimate destination was the Golden Gate Bridge. First however, we wanted to head to an area we touched on yesterday, North Beach, and that was so we could visit the mecca of the Beatnik Generation of the 50s and 60s here in San Francisco.

    The City Lights Bookstore was at the epicentre of this movement and was the first all paperback bookstore in America when it opened on 1953. Alice and I had to buy a book whilst here and so we chose 'California - A History'. In paperback of course.

    At this point Alice and I were torn as to whether we would walk up the tower for an epic view of the city or hire bikes to go to the Golden Gate Bridge. Both involved effort and it was hot. Only one would win. We decided on the bikes. And I'm glad we did.

    The owner of the bike store was an eccentric German who was very entertaining. With maps attached to the handlebars we were away. The closer you get to the bridge the better it looks. Every angle requires stopping and taking a photo. There is also a mini sandy beach on the way that was totally unexpected. This city keeps throwing out nice surprises. On reaching the bridge and surmounting various hills to get there, the ride along it was thrilling. Once we reached the other side of the bridge we spun the bikes around and rode back leisurely. If we would have walked the distance to the bridge and across it, it would have taken a long time, if we had driven, it would have been over too soon. A bicycle journey it seems is the best way to take in the bridge and I would recommend it without a doubt. Two hours well spent.

    Time for food. Since being on the West Coast we had seen Clam Chowder advertised everywhere. I wasn't sure what it was or how it would taste before coming to the US but back in Monterey I had tried a sampler and it was awesome. We thought we'd wait until we got to San Francisco. So we went to the aptly named 'Chowder Hut' and we both got the speciality. It's basically a creamy fish soup in a sourdough bread bowl. Very good and quite cheap too. We started to walk back and right outside the bicycle hire place there was a pickup point for the cable car, the opposite end to where we wanted to get on to it yesterday. After yesterday's disappointment at not getting on it we decided to wait out the queue as we had nothing else planned. Within no time we were on the car. Once the driver decided to go we were off and we were hanging on as the car flew through the city. It was good fun and the car picked up quite a lot of pace, particularly downhill. With another tourist attraction done, there was time for a little look in a shopping centre and then we headed home.

    Song of the Day:
    Queen - Bicycle Race
    Les mer